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The Lie Of Gender Fluidity

Article Via: C M EDWARDS - July 2024


This is the first in a series of articles where we will explore the legal ramifications for ordinary people who find themselves at loggerheads with authority because of politically challenging subjects, such as Gender Dysphoria. 

These hot button topics are influencing society and therefore legislation, which is then being forced on to the wider population, and anyone who dares to question the wisdom of such policies are quickly branded with the latest buzz words.

In this article we will examine precisely what Gender Dysphoria is, and how it is being rolled out in some of our institutions, and the laws which surround it. Once we have established the crux of the issue, we will look at ways in which ordinary members of the public can use the legislation, and the Law to fight back.

If you have children at school where this subject matter is causing your family stress, this article will help you. You may also just be an ordinary citizen who is trying to make sense of what is really going on with “gender fluidity”; I hope this article answers many of your questions and arms you with some solutions.

Whilst this article is UK focused, if you are in one of the many commonwealth countries under the Crown, such as Canada, Australia etc then you will have legislation very similar to what is being discussed here, and therefore your solutions will be identical to the ones discussed herein.

The Troubled Mind

Those of us who follow the news and are on social media will have all seen stories, videos, and images of men declaring themselves women, and vice versa. There have been male athletes identifying as female athletes to compete in women’s races. Unsurprisingly the men usually beat the women, thus disadvantaging actual women. The case of “Lia Thomas” being a famous example of this.

Those of us who are conscious and blessed with common sense inherently know this is unfair and wrong. In a sport like swimming this subject is not necessarily a life and death issue, but what happens when this corruption and way of thinking spreads over to boxing, or to law enforcement as has already happened? This is the case at WEST MIDLANDS POLICE, when one of its male officers started to “identify as a female”. In other areas of law enforcement a male rapist who identified as a female was placed amongst female prisoners. The vast majority of people know this is wrong, and where does this end if we do not speak out?

In cases like those mentioned above it, is not the individuals themselves that I am concerned with. What these individuals believe themselves to be, or not to be, is not the focus of this article, but rather, what happens when the beliefs of the minority are legalised and then forced upon the rest of society?

These subjects became my concern when these ideas with regards to gender dysphoria started to become politicised, which then became policies, which in turn began to filter in to things like the education of my child. These warped beliefs about gender have started to impact on to the wider world, and on to our children’s education, and that should concern all of us. Because of this I started to look at this phenomena called “Gender Dysphoria” more closely, to try to determine what was happening, and what I could do about it so that it did not affect the lives of those around me. Now I am sharing these findings so that it can help others who feel the same way.

Gender Dysphoria

This platform: CapillaryWave.Com is all about educating the public with regard to how they are being governed. Those familiar with the articles here on law and governance will understand that in any country there is a hierarchy of citizenry, which are put in classes of estates, and there is a hierarchy to the law also. Acts of Parliament control the citizens, whilst The Bible controls those that control the citizenry. This is why those in public offices swear oaths. An oath is a promise to a deity, and a deity is a God.

Therefore, to enable the correct analysis of a government policy then, it makes sense to look at these political and societal issues holistically, from a secular (legal) and biblical (lawful) perspective to get a complete understanding.

With all topics that I write about, I like to look at the specific and relevant words and meanings. Then I look at the relevant Acts of Parliament, and then I tend to cross check with Scripture. Doing this gives me a clearer idea of the problem, and it also usually presents me with the solutions to the problem as well.

The NHS is a government body of the UNITED KINGDOM, and its website states this about Gender Dysphoria:

Source of photographs

Careful reading of the NHS website evidences (first photograph) that Gender Dysphoria is:

  • About how we see and describe ourselves
  • About how some feel about themselves


The last photograph evidences the signs of Gender Dysphoria. Those signs are all related to the emotional and mental state of an individual such as:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Becoming withdrawn or socially isolated
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Taking unnecessary risks
  • Neglecting themselves


To summarise: the government body responsible for health; NHS, own website states that Gender Dysphoria is all down to how we see ourselves and how we describe ourselves. It is about how we feel dissatisfied with ourselves which causes an anxiety.

Nowhere on that website does it state that Gender Dysphoria is anything other than how we perceive ourselves, and the feelings we have about ourselves, which are related that perception of ourselves.

What the website diagnoses as the causes of Gender Dysphoria are, the feelings we have about ourselves which are down to the perception which we have about ourselves. Therefore, self evidently Gender Dysphoria is entirely down to an individuals thoughts and feelings.

Because some individuals suffer with anxiety their thoughts and feelings are affected which causes a dis – ease, and dissatisfaction in the individuals own mind which causes anguish; the symptoms of which are listed in photograph three above.

Let us now examine the word “dysphoria” and words closely related to it.

Source link

As we can see the word definition of “dysphoria” explains precisely what the NHS website is also stating about the condition, and it is also what we witness when we encounter some of the victims of “Gender Dysphoria” such as WEST MIDLANDS POLICE OFFICER “Sky Morden”.

  • If all of human history was the face of a clock and 12 noon is where we are today, male and female gender was not in doubt, or up for debate until about five seconds to noon.

To state that there is anything other than a male and female in the natural world (apart from rare genetic malformations) is to allow mental anxiety, and the troubled minds of a small minority, dictate what truth is, and that can not be allowed to happen. Truth is like lion, it does not need to be defended, let it loose and it will defend itself.

Just as a dog that is born in a stable does not become a horse, a male in a wig and make-up does not become a female; not even if a surgeon gets involved in the process; that is an impossibility, and that is the truth. Anything outside of that is a lie. Of course anyone is free to believe a lie if they so choose, but the lie can not be forced on to those who do not believe the lie, and who know it to be a lie, who can prove it to be a lie. Even if the majority were to believe a lie, that does not then make the lie the truth.

So how do we stand by the truth in a world full of lies, mental anguish, and politically correct policies? This is where a biblical perspective is crucial because the legal world is founded upon legal fictions, which are fictional, which is another word for a lie, as the articles on the Home Page explain and attest.

It may be politically correct, and even legal for some persons to recognise “gender fluidity” and it may even be protected by an Act of Parliament called the Equality Act 2010, but it still does not make it true, or right. Making something legal does not automatically make it true or correct, as the whole of human history will verify, and if something is not true then it is a lie.

Note: I have discussed the issues surrounding the debate of right and wrong, of Legality vs. Morality in my Introduction article which can be read here: Legality vs. Morality.

So what can we use to defend ourselves against lies that have become “law”?.

Gender Dysphoria, You, And The Parliamentary Acts
A Policing Problem

WEST MIDLANDS POLICE posted the above photograph of police officer: “Sky Morden” on its Twitter (as it was then) account a few years back.

I replied to that Twitter post and said something to the effect of – “are you now advocating those with a troubled mind can now apply for a firearms licence?”- WEST MIDLANDS POLICE promptly removed their Twitter post.

You see no matter if something is politically correct, en vogue, or even legal, the truth is still the truth.

A Taser is classed as a firearm. Acts of Parliament state that the public need a licence to have a firearm. We have seen that NHS, and word definitions define Gender Dysphoria as a “troubled mind”. You are not allowed to get a firearms licence if you have a “troubled mind” for obvious reasons, and rightly so. This is why WEST MIDLANDS POLICE removed that particular Twitter post, because both of those positions can not both be true.

To win an argument against a lie, even if it is legal lie, you need to do some basic due diligence. I checked the word definitions, and checked what the NHS had to say about Gender Dysphoria. I could see that it was a mental issue. Knowing this, and knowing the legislation for firearms, I knew that both positions on the law could not be true at once, and one had to give, so did WEST MIDLANDS POLICE.

That particular question which I posed via Twitter to WEST MIDLANDS POLICE could and should cause police officers headaches up and down the country to this day. Removing the Twitter post does not invalidate the question or remove their liability, which the question merely highlights. As evidenced and widely reported, there are by definition mentally unwell police officers all over the country suffering from Gender Dysphoria who could be endangering the lives of those people, that they as constables swore an oath to protect. There is a lawsuit just waiting to happen in this area of the law.

An Education Problem

Another example of the Gender Dysphoria lie coming in to contact with our everyday lives is when it is being discussed and introduced to our children at school. This letter from our child’s school prompted me to spring in to action and examine this problem. The paperwork has the areas which I highlighted as areas of importance:

As you can see from “Photo 3” the red box area highlights a section where it states that it is a statutory requirement for a child to be taught this information. Statutory means that it is backed by the Acts of Parliament, and in “Photo 4” those statutory Acts are listed as:

  • Section 80A of the Education Act 2002
  • Children and Social Work Act 2017
  • The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019
  • Equality Act 2010
  • DfE (2019) ‘Relationships, Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’
  • DfE (2013) ‘Science programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2’

These are the legal Acts of Parliament which a local authority would rely upon to enforce their policies upon you as a parent for your child to study Gender Studies for example. One of those Acts relied upon and quoted above by the local authority; the Equality Act 2010 can also be used against the local authority by parents. There is also another powerful Act of Parliament which parents can use and that is the Fraud Act 2006.

An Act which is relied upon and quoted in the school literature above is the Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act 2010 protects certain characteristics such as:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

As parents we can rely upon some of those “protected characteristics” to protect our children too which I will explain shortly.

The Fraud Act 2006 protects us against dishonesty, liars, and lies:

  • Fraud –  A person is guilty of fraud if he is in breach of any of the sections listed in subsection (2) (which provide for different ways of committing the offence). The sections are—(a) section 2 (fraud by false representation), (b) section 3 (fraud by failing to disclose information), and (c) section 4 (fraud by abuse of position).
A Practical Legal Example On How To Apply The Law As A Defence:

A Christian family are being threatened by a local authority stating that they can not take their child out of “gender study / sex education class” at primary school, as it is a statutory obligation for children to attend the classes. The local authority are threatening the family with various Acts of Parliament and quote the list above from their policy document. The list includes the Equality Act 2010.

Christians naturally follow and read The Bible, and in The Bible it clearly states that there are only two genders which are: male and female (as the whole of humanity knew until five seconds to noon in the example above). So to have their child be taught anything other than the two genders, as explained in The Book of Truth, also known as The Book of The Law, would be a lie, and against their beliefs, faith and the commandments in the Holy Book. Beliefs being a protected characteristic mentioned in the very same Equality Act 2010, which the local authority are attempting to use against the Christian family in our example.

Legal solution: It would be very easy to prove that a victim of Gender Dysphoria is someone with a troubled mind. It would be very easy to prove that there are only two genders using The Bible. After all the word gen-der uses the same route word as gen-esis. A Christian would also have their beliefs protected by the Equality Act 2010. That Act also protects against discrimination, victimisation and it protects “dignity”, which means that which is “proper”. a lie can never be “proper”.

The Fraud Act 2006 can also help the parents in this example because “misrepresentation” is mentioned in the Act, and we know there are only two genders, the Book of Truth proves it. To “enforce” a known lie against these parents would be “improper“, and could also be seen as an “abuse of position” which is also contrary to the Fraud Act 2006.

You can also use the NHS website to prove Gender Dysphoria is a mental issue, and a mental issue does not alter biological facts.

Pointing out these things could nullify any claim by the local authority, and hopefully aid a mutual agreement on the matter – a middle ground – whereby the child can miss those particular classes, but not school that day?

In simple terms a local authority relying on the Equality Act 2010 to enforce against a Christian family who can also use the Equality Act 2010 could find that problematic, and even more so if said family were to use the Fraud Act 2006, NHS website, and The Bible for their defence argument as well.

In this scenario the local authority and or school may reconsider their position and allow the child to attend another class, as that is what happened in our case, when I pointed these things out to the school. If you approach the school in a cooperative but firm manner, they will most likely move on their position if common sense prevails to avoid any potential legal  problems.

Gender Dysphoria, You, And The Bible

Those of you who have studied our free articles at the Home Page will by now realise that The Bible is the ultimate Book of The Law, and every country in the western world is ruled by what it states in its pages. The Bible is the highest authority on the Law, and is described in The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 as the infallible truth, which means “exempt from error”. At his coronation King Charles was presented with The Bible by the Archbishop, and was told that it is “the greatest gift this world affords”. So let us look at some evidence from the Infallible Truth and see what it says about this subject.

What does The Bible say about genders and how many there are?:

  • Genesis 1:27, KJV 1611 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

The bigger picture, and what should be the most concerning aspect to any thinking people is just why government legislation has been enacted which forces the wider society to accept a lie and the thinking of those with the characteristics of a troubled mind.

Apart from obviously commanding people not to tell lies in the Ten Commandments, The Bible counters the governments legal position here:

  • Romans 12:2, KJV, 1611 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

A point that is often made regarding Gender Dysphoria is that the victim was “born in the wrong body”. The Bible says that everyone has the opportunity to be “born again”, and to have a “renewed mind”, free from anguish:

  • John 3:3-7, KJV 1611 – 3. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?” 5. Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

The Bibles teachings are often in opposition to the legal secular world. The secular world often teaches and preaches about self love and, you can be whatever you want to be, and do as thou wilt, which has I am sure has helped to contribute to the dissatisfaction and mental anguish of many victims of Gender Dysphoria in the first instance.

The Bible does not teach “self love”, it teaches self denial, compassion for others, and to love your neighbour.

The Bible does not teach “you can be whatever you want to be”, and “believe in yourself”. It teaches to deny yourself and believe in The Father who art in heaven.

The Bible does not teach “do as thou wilt” and “follow your heart”, The Bible teaches that we need a new heart, and to follow Jesus. Do as thou wilt is a Satanic mantra which was coined and peddled by Alistair Crowley, a well known supporter of Satanic practices.

It is no wonder that a growing number of individuals are falling victim to Gender Dysphoria because too many people are allowing lies get a foothold in our society. We are now at a stage whereby the lies encapsulated by the term Gender Dysphoria are now being pushed and taught at places of work and schools. Those who believe in the Truth need to make their voices heard, even if that simply means sharing this article with others.

Our society is being perverted, and it is no wonder that so many are suffering from a mental anguish.

I will not allow lies to be taught to my child. You can utilise the same information and arguments evidenced herein to stop lies being perpetuated, either at your place of work, or at your childs school.

The legal secular world stands in direct opposition to Biblical teachings as evidenced in my article Government vs. God. It is no surprise then that the legal world would promote self evident lies and put feelings above Truth.

Hopefully this article has given you a better understanding of the Gender Dysphoria situation, and has supplied you with some practical information on how you might tackle this discussion yourself. Those that are prepared to stand up and challenge lies need to do so now more than ever. Please share this article if you found it useful.

In good faith


“If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.”

—  C. S. Lewis