The Capillary Wave: Word Index


  • Sovereign Power Sovereign has everything to do with power. It often describes a person who has supreme power or authority, such as a king or queen. God is described as “sovereign” in a number of Bible translations. In addition to describing ones who have power, the word sovereign also often describes power: to have sovereign power is to have absolute power—that is, power that cannot be checked by anyone or anything. Nations and states are also sometimes described as “sovereign.” This means that they have power over themselves; their government is under their own control, rather than under the control of an outside authority. Sovereign can also be a synonym of supreme as in “of the most exalted kind.” In that case, the power is figurative rather than literal.


The Bible states that “the powers that be are ordained by God” at Romans 13:1, KJV 1611 – Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

There are only two types of governance over a People, and therefore two types of “sovereign”:

  1. That of a country/ polity
  2. That of God


A citizen of a country is a sovereign, a master and that is why citizens of the state have the titles of “Mr” and “Mrs” which are both abbreviations of the word master. The word “sovereign” means “master”, as do the state titles of “Mr and Mrs” which also denote the “master” status. This is because the citizens make the laws at Parliament via their representatives (Members of Parliament MP’s) which then govern and rule over their fellow man, fellow citizens. The citizen is both the law maker (master), and is at the same time subject to those laws (servant), and is therefore punishable by those laws at a magistrates court. “Magistrate” also means master. Magistrates court is a masters court for masters who have fallen foul of state policy. See the article: How You Became The Government for further explanation.

All English speaking persons of polities / countries in the Western world, accept their power to rule from God. See Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation for evidence:


These polities hold God as the ultimate power. In The Bible Governors are stated as being “the powers the be”, but the power that gave them that power is God. That fact is also recognised in state legislation, such as: The Confession Of Faith Ratification Act 1560.

The confession itself begins by stating that the Parliament:

  • ratifeit and apprevit [the confession] as wholesome and sound doctrine grounded upon the infallible truth of God’s word”; thus, though changes within societies may have diminished its relevance, believers hold that the authority of its statements is rooted not in parliamentary approval but in, as it says, “the infallible truth of God’s word.


Infallible means “exempt from error in judgement, knowledge or opinion”.

The fact that Parliament has the above Act on its books, is evidence in point of fact, and law, that every single UK citizen agrees and consents to the fact that The Word Of God is infallible; even those citizens that would consider themselves as “atheists”.