Understand Law and Governance at: capillarywave.com
The information discussed here applies right across the English speaking western world, especially as most/all commonwealth countries are under the rule of the Crown; and it dovetails very nicely with my last interview with Richard which can be seen here:
What better timing could we ask for when we have recently had the biggest and fastest petition to reach the UK government in recent history, with well over 3 million signatories calling for an immediate General Election.
This examination of protesting and petitioning should be essential viewing for all citizens at this important and serious period in global political history
The reason I launched my website: capillarywave.com was to show the general public what I have learned about how we are being governed. How we are governed in reality, is often very different [opposite] to how the average citizen believes governance works.
There may never be a better example of a “protest” to examine and use for this discussion, than this extremely fast growing government petition, which led to a debate in the House of Commons on the motion:
“I would like there to be another General Election…”
The petition was shared widely on the social media platform: “X” (Twitter) and was being championed by political commentators and celebrities alike.
By the end of this discussion, we will have a definitive and comprehensive answer for the question:
Given that this petition broke some records, and was supported by millions of the general public, the political class, politicians themselves, celebrities, writers and broadcasters; surely this protest, this petition, of all petitions would bring about the change and opportunities that so many citizens voters wanted, and would prove the assertion for the general public that protests, petitions, and petitioning are an effective of bringing a government to account? Let us find out definitively…
We usually protest because usually we are unhappy with some government policy or action on a specific subject. Protest can be as simple as signing a petition online, or it can take other forms such as blockading roads and business’, and mass marches through the capital which is the most popular version.
Recent history has seen many mass protests, and there are many planned in the near future.
This analysis then of petition and protest is timely.
Often in big cases where a perceived injustice is great, there will often be a crowd fund to hire barristers to fight the case against government. Today we will also look at what happens when you engage a barrister to fight your case for you, and whether that is; in fact at law, a good idea.
Very clearly those who can petition in the first instance are “British Citizens and UK residents”.
[Note: I have written a specific article relating to those two aspects of citizenship, but there is no way we can get in to that here as we are limited for time. The article is for members and is called: Control of Mind and Body]
British Citizens and UK residents are subject to Parliament and the Acts and Statutes.
You become a British Citizen and UK resident by registering your name on the electoral roll, and therefore elect to be governed by consent, as explained very briefly here, by Daniel ShenSmith, also known as: the Black Belt Barrister on his YouTube channel:
Here the Claim Of Right Act 1689 evidences that it is a right and a privilege of British subjects to protest. This Act is still very much active in today’s Parliament
Here the Bill Of Rights [1688] evidences that it is a right of subjects to petition
So we can see that to become a British Citizen and UK resident you have to be a subject of the King and his government. To become a subject of the King you first need to enrol a legal name on to the electoral register. That application and the enrolling of the legal name to the electoral register then places you as a British Citizen, which is a subject, and it also makes you a UK resident. This is explained in more detail in my article: How You Became Entangled In The Legal System
To become a British Citizen and UK resident you have to be a subject of the King and his government. The definitions of the above words synonymous with being a “subject” explains in great detail your position as a citizen of the state, that being:
To become a subject of the King you first need to enrol your legal name on to the electoral register which then binds you morally and legally
To learn more about your Legal Name see:
The application, and the enrolling of the Legal Name to the electoral register then places you as a British Citizen which makes you a subject of the King, and it also makes you a UK resident at law. This is explained in more detail in my article: How You Became Entangled In The Legal System which is well worth reading
I came to understand law and governance through my own planning enforcement problems with a local council who assumed that they were also my authority; they eventually found out that they were not. Those enforcement issues led me on a journey in to the heart of the legal and court system. I learned lots about law and governance, and began helping others at court which culminated in assisting farmer Mr Robert Fidler who built a castle behind hay bales in Surrey. This was the highest profile planning enforcement case in the UK at the time. Mr Fidler was due at the High Court in London for a committal hearing brought by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council; and I assisted in keeping him out of prison. Here is Mr Fidler’s High court appearance:
You can learn a bit more about me and my journey here:
If you have an Member of Parliament (MP), you are a member part of the House of Commons, and you are then in fact and in law what is known as a commoner; because you registered a “legal name” on to the electoral roll, and you voted for an MP, and sent this person to the House of Commons as your representative. It then follows that you are the government that they (the MP’s) are representing. Your MP’s are NOT the government; they merely represent YOU. You are the government that they represent
Now that you are a commoner; which is a member of the House of Commons which enacts bills to become legislation, and therefore law; you are deemed to understand this process. As a commoner, you are not only a member part, but you also have a representative (MP) serving on your behalf, at your request, at the House of Commons.
When you became a commoner you received a new rank and a title in that new House/ society. Your rank is “commoner” and your title for that rank is Master; you may be more familiar with that title written as: Mr, Messers, Mrs or Ms. The title which you have chosen for yourself belongs to that of the lowest rank in your newly chosen society, a member of the Third Estate of the Realm: a “citizen commoner”; which is at law a third class citizen of the state.
It is clear that you now have a rank and standing in society: “rank, standing, position and place in society…legal estate”
The rank and standing that you now have in society (the country/polity) is further evidenced by the word definition of “person”, which is what a “subject” is, which is what a “British citizen” and “UK resident” is, as evidenced previously
The subject – which has their rights allocated to them by their King – is also known also as a British citizen, and a UK resident and all of these definitions are summed up under the one umbrella word, and that word is: PERSON
A person is a “fiction” a “character”, and at law it is known as a “legal fiction”
To explain it more clearly here it is mentioned in an old Act of Parliament: A Charter of 1337 where it states:
Evidently from the Act itself a “person” is separate and distinct from the man”. A “person” is the character, persona, title, rank of office, or the man
The definitions of “person” and “persona” clearly spell out everything that we have evidenced this far, and further backs up that you as a citizen, person of the state have a new rank, title, obligation, and duty to the King and the state of which you as a “commoner” are a member part; albeit as a third class citizen
All of the above was achieved when you attorned and elected to be named on the electoral register. This process is explained in much greater detail in my article: How You Became Entangled In The Legal System
You are a master because you make the laws that rule over other men, and you are a servant, because you are also a subject to those very same laws that you enacted. When you break those laws that you made you end up at a magistrates court. Magistrate means master; so it is a “masters court” for dealing with masters.
As you can see from the above drawing of the general hierarchy of law and governance the citizen commoner is on the lowest rung of the ladder of authority and influence; which of course it would be because a commoner is vassal to a feudal lord, a third class citizen of a ward and district, belonging to the state.
Governments are given their “power” by God as explained in The Bible, and as admitted by the government themselves who submit daily to the authority of God.
Other evidence that the governments gain their power from God:
The archbishop says that The Bible is “the greatest gift this world affords” at the Queen’s coronation on the link above.
All Acts of Parliament are given ascent by the consent of “lords spiritual”.
All court rooms have this motto in them (usually above the judge): ”Dieu et Mon Droit”. It means: “God and my right”. Everyone acting for the court has to swear an oath which is a “solemn appeal to a deity“.
The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 states in the preamble that The Bible is the “the infallible truth of God’s word”. Infallible means: “exempt from error in judgement, knowledge or opinion”:
It is self evident that governments gain their power from God, and the beliefs of the citizenry are irrelevant to how you are actually being governed; de facto.
The Legal System acknowledges the power of God and his authority, and The Bible which is the word of God, gives the state their power to govern the persons of state who elected to be under man’s governance and not God’s
This will be a very brief overview on this chapter because it is a huge subject, we are limited for time, and Richard and I have spoken about this specifically in our last podcast, which can be viewed here:
We have examined the position of Citizen subject fairly well, and now we need to look at the bigger picture of law and governance to understand where we sit in the grand scheme of things in relation to government, the King, and God.
The two tiers of state come about, and are in existence because of what is stated in The Bible. “The powers that be” which are the “ministers” operating out of “ministries” get their power to govern by God, as stated at
If you would like to investigate the Government vs. God debate in great depth, see my article:
We have seen the hierarchy of governance, and we have seen what a subject is. Now let us look at where a subject resides; it just keeps getting worse for these persons
If you think the misery of being the status of a citizen subject stops at becoming a third class citizen you are mistaken. There’s more to come. Your personal property is now under a new lord of district and ward, who can withhold it, at will.
In the body politic known as the UK, Members of Parliament are chosen from a “ward” of a “district”. By becoming a citizen commoner, you now place yourself under the jurisdiction of a ward and a district as a resident of the country. Below are the definitions of “ward” and “district”, and when you read those definitions things should become a lot clearer for you as to how the state treats you, and percieves you as the third class citizen that you have become at law:
The UNITED KINGDOM is divided in to “districts”. You as a citizen commoner will be a vassal of a feudal lord in one of those districts in a ward, under a“lord or officer who can take, distress, and withhold personal property” as per the definition itself.
If you are thinking that these definitions do not hold water at law, you are grossly mistaken, as farmer Mr Danny Beach explains in the below interview. Mr Beach and his wife had their farm taken from them by their local authority, and they were both put in prison over a matter in which the local council itself instigated:
I mentioned earlier that you have become a “person” of the state by enrolling to vote, which is a vow to another lord. All of these points are explained more fully in all of my articles which are freely available on the Home Page of my website where you can learn much more about how you are truly being governed.
Being a “person” of the state is not a good position to be in because of what is stated about them in The Bible. The Bible warns us not to become a person or to have respect for them.
Even the judges are “no respecters of persons”. In the video below, Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s swears to be “no respecter of persons” as seen here:
Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh makes that statement in his ceremony because of these Bible quotes:
At law persons are what is known as legal fictions, they are a creation of the law, they are a creation of the minds of men; not living, not breathing, dead. This is where we get the words corp – orations; from corpse. Corporations are an example of a legal fiction, a creation of the law; not living or breathing, only given existence at law; they can sue and be sued. At law a corporation is a person, as is a citizen subject. The Bible calls these entities “graven images” because they are dead, and are merely a creation of men’s minds
The country state, the body politic such as AUSTRALIA, UNITED KINGDOM, IRELAND, USA, CANADA etc copies and counterfeits the model of law, governance, and the family evidenced in The Bible. This is entirely against the law; the Second Commandment, which is God’s copyright claim on Creation as seen here:
God, The Father
The King is known as the father of the nation. America has the “founding fathers”
From one: God, via Adam; the family is many
From the many we produce one King: god
God’s family – Nation
UK – Family, Country
Born of / Created by God
Birthed by the UK
Belonging to God
Secular – Belonging to the state
The LORD is our judge, The LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us – Isaiah 33:22
The 3 branches of state
The Family
Our Father who art in heaven
Body of Christ is the mother; church
We are His children
The Family
America’s Founding fathers / the King is the “father of the nation”
Church of England is “mother church”
Citizens are: “Wards Of The State” meaning “infants”
We identify with a passport / driving licence issued by the state (graven image – see Index: Person)
Changing your family identity is against the law, and by becoming a citizen subject under man, of another House [commons] / family you broke the law and attorned. By becoming a subject of man you broke the very first commandment and therefore also the following four of the Ten Commandments.
The state mimics and counterfeits everything that is righteous and lawful under God the Father. The state swaps out all of the important aspects of law, governance, and family from The Bible, and replaces it with the states own bodies, persons, and laws, such as the King become the father of the nation, the mother Church of England in place of the Church of Christ, and the children and infants will do as their Father tells them. I have evidenced this in great detail in my article: Dear Christian Countrymen
The reason you are considered an infant of the state at law, is because you chose to be a citizen of a country, which is a ward of the state, with King Charles as the father, and the Church of England is the mother church.
The reason that earthly judges swear an oath to be: “no respecters of persons”, is because The Bible tells us not to be respecters of persons, because persons are a creation of the minds of man, and not the Father.
Becoming a ward of the state means that you left your first estate under God and became a member of a new House. House and family are synonymous words for government. You have a new family, a new Legal Name, under a new lord. This is why it is against the commandments. This is why at Matthew 7:23 Jesus states:
Becoming a person at law means that you have transgressed the law.
We have discovered that to petition and protest factually and legally speaking, you have to be a citizen of the state. The state deem it as a right and a privilege for their citizens to be able to protest.
We have seen that the citizen’s position in governance is the lowest tier possible; that being that of the rank of a commoner, with a given title of master (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Messers), which equates to the status of a third class citizen of your country (UK and Commonwealth)
Now that we have evidenced that the position of the citizen commoner is as low as you can get, let us examine some of the key words themselves in this discussion on protesting and petitioning government:
Just as the word ‘suffer” also means to allow something to happen to you, so the word “protest” means an “avowal” which is to acknowledge, declare, uphold, support and approve. Further; a “petition” means to: beseech, a prayer to a deity, supplication or prayer to a deity, formal written request to a superior
Clearly to “protest” and “petition” does not mean what so many beLIEve it to mean, in fact it means the exact opposite: to agree with, uphold, and approve.
Words are so very important, and most of us have no idea what the words we use mean in reality. Therefore our ignorance is used against us, and protesting is a classic example of this.
Is it any wonder then that this was the government response to the record breaking petition featured herein?:
This is why you never see solicitors, barristers or judges out on the streets “protesting”, because they understand what protesting and petitioning means
We have evidenced and firmly established that only a British citizen can protest the Government, and a citizen and resident are what is known at law as a “commoner”, precisely because as a citizen you are a member of The House of Commons, just as a lord is a member of the House of Lords
Being a member of that law making government body is what makes you a commoner, you are a law maker. You are a member part of the state machinery which makes the laws that govern you. Your Member of Parliament represents you. He or she is there on your behalf, representing you and carrying out your requests in the law making House.
This is why “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. You can never be deemed to be “ignorant” of the law, precisely because you are one of the law makers; you are self evidently, a commoner!
This is the situation in fact, and at law, as has been evidenced. This is a summary of how it works:
I feel we also have to briefly mention the other position we can be in at law outside of being a state owned person, and that is the position of a “people” which is the most powerful position you can be in, and is recognised as such at law and by the state, the very persons which currently control you as their citizen
On this Earth, at Law and in terms of your governance, you are either a people or a person, and by electing to become a citizen commoner of the state you also become a “person” by default, which is in the lowest tier of the state, and carries no authority. By registering the Legal Name on the electoral roll and by voting you leave that highest position at law, that of a “people”, and then you become a “commoner”, a third class citizen. These are things discussed and evidenced in great detail via my articles at my website.
I have also explained these aspects of governance; the two tiers of society, in a recent interview I had with Richard which can be seen here:
The most obvious place that this distinction between persons and people can be evidenced legally speaking outside of the Representation of The People Act 1867, is your own local councils constitution document. A constitution is a law document that binds the council and its officers.
Obviously being a creation [person] of the state, the local authority also have to abide by the Acts of Parliament, but the constitution document is their “Bible”. The constitution lays out what a council can, and can not do, and states who is responsible for what duties. It is an extremely important document and is readily available to members of the public and people upon request, and it has to be by law.
As evidenced throughout my website and in law and governance itself, your own councils constitutional document shows us that your local council has a duty to both “people” [of God], and “persons” [of the state; the electorate].
In the councils constitution people get a mention and persons of the state are referred to as “the electorate” and “residents” and sometimes just: persons.
People and persons as evidenced in this councils constitution document:
If you are a “person” of the state you are one of the “electorate” and you will be treated as being in a “ward” of a “district”, and the definitions of these two words ward and district brings in to sharp focus, the problems that the general public are facing when making their arguments against the local authority.
It is self evident that if you are in the position of a “commoner”, which is the position of third class citizen belonging to the state you are living in a ward of a district; therefore if you are protesting lockdowns, gender studies at primary schools, 5G towers, illegal immigrant camps, or farmers inheritance taxation, you are arguing against yourself, against the laws which you costed to.
Furthermore, the death nell of this debate is that we have proven beyond all doubt that to “protest” is to “agree”, “consent” and “approve”.
You as a commoner, a person of the House of Commons agreed to all of these Acts, Statutes and mandates that are passed at the House by your representatives. Those representatives, represent you. You are the government, and the MP’s are only your representatives. So protesting and complaining to the executive branch about the laws and policies which you yourself have passed is nonsensical and is the reason why you are ignored.
In fact you even elected an executive branch to make sure that when you protest against the laws which you have enacted that you would be thrown in jail if you get too unruly protesting against the laws which you yourself consented and enacted. Which is why ignorance of the law is no excuse, you can not be deemed ignorant of the laws when you are a member part of the law making machinery.
Why on Earth would anyone want to “protest and petition”?
I have shown that to be one of the electorate you will have made an application to be enlisted on the electoral register. Whilst “your name” is still on the electoral roll there is written evidence supplied by yourself in application form of your consent to the system of governance, and your vow to a new lord to become a member of a new House, in a district of the state, whereby the lord or officer can take and distress personal property, as it is under his guardianship in his ward.
Once we come to understand how we became ensnared, we can begin to realise how we can untangle that, and getting the Legal Name off of that electoral register is the first step.
So you see there is clearly a two tier system available on Earth for the people of God, and for the persons of the state in operation. That fact of the matter is that we have not understood the system very well and we have been acting as one of the states persons, which is in the lowest tier of society: a commoner, belonging to the House of Commons. A commoner is a third class citizen of the state in the gutter of law and governance
To evidence how few actually understand the legal technicalities of law and governance, or even their own legal standing as a “person of the state”, this petition will serve as a reminder that no “people” can ever be in a position to sign a petition, because to be able to sign a petition you have to be either a British Citizen or a UK resident. That means that you would have to have already entered your name on to the electoral register, therefore you have already consented and agreed to the Acts of Parliament, and relegated yourself to the gutter of law and governance as a third class citizen; a commoner, and have left the highest position as one of the people behind:
To understand just how absurd that petition is, see my article: The Framework For Law And Governance
Of course hiring a solicitor or barrister for a legal dispute in an argument between “commoners” may well be a very good idea because the adversaries are on equal footing, and the best legal argument (on paper) will win the day.
What happens if you are a citizen commoner going up against a local authority or the Crown, as happens in planning disputes every single day; is it wise in that instance to be enlisting a barrister to fight your corner?
Answer. -No
If you are having a legal dispute with a local authority or the Crown then hiring a barrister is the worst possible idea, because to hire a barrister you have to show the solicitors, who then hire your barrister – identification that proves that you are a state citizen; a commoner. Thus ensuring your status as a third class citizen with no authority whatsoever. What is more, every officer of the state that gives witness testimony at court against you, out ranks you.
Those people that understand what has been explained in this discussion between Richard and myself are not “infants” of the state, in a district and ward of the state, and therefore can handle their own affairs against government authority and the Crown. This is what has happened in my own planning case, whereby I learned these technicalities of law, studied The Bible, and returned to the capacity of a people, and have built myself a farm without planning permission: as Richard himself has witnessed prior to our last podcast.
I realise that by coming out publicly that I risk the “wrath” of the local council once more, however I feel that things are getting very serious for citizens, and more of them need to understand just how they are being governed.
I have been through the system. I understand how it works, which is why I have now decided to come out and publicly discuss it in the hope that it helps many more.
It is true that “People” do not know their true power, but they also do not know how to take it back. Taking back that power and authority starts by understanding how you gave it away. This discussion between Richard and I has explored how we gave that power away and became something that we are not: persons, and in doing so broke the commandments given in The bible. You can explore this further by reading the freely available articles at my website and listening to the other podcasts which can be found here:
Government is only the body; the Crown is the head. The body follows the head, therefore government always goes where the head wants it to go. Both wings are actually controlled by the same bird (the Crown). That is why the head sits above the body on the emblem below:
You need a head and a body to make a person.
Capillary Wave (def.)
Capillary waves are the first ripples.
A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system.
A situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects.
A series of things that happen as the result of a particular action or event.