The Capillary Wave

The Capillary Wave

Via: C M EDWARDS October 2023


Some people have the time and luxury to theorise and philosophise about the law. I did not have that luxury. I was staring at the possibility of an unlimited fine at Crown Court and possible jail time if I did not comply with nine planning Enforcement Notices. I also had HM Revenue & Customs “breathing down my neck” for their estimated £60,000:00 which I did not have. 

Fifteen years ago, around 2007/08, I found myself in couple of potentially very serious legal situations, involving the local council planning department, and in another separate issue: HM Revenue & Customs. Both of these legal issues coincided at precisely the same moment as the economic recession to end my construction business; and it nearly ended myself as well. I was in a very tight spot, to put it mildly. I could not afford a solicitor, so therefore I had to get myself out of this situation, and nobody that I knew, knew anything about the law. I was on my own.

Ultimately these severe legal problems led me to start looking in to law, and how I was being governed. My situation was dire, and I took very seriously my new study of law and governance, as my very future depended on being successful against these so called authorities. My study became my new passion, and it took my life in a completely new direction.

I started to look at the government legislation, and I started to learn about my rights as a UK citizen. My very first early success, was against a simple parking ticket violation. Winning that battle with just one letter, gave me the confidence to keep going with my study. I soon started to understand some of the key elements involved in law and governance, but it was early days, and I was treading water with the local council, and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Whilst searching around on the internet for information that might help me, I learned about something called “common law”. The main “common law” proponents I listened to twelve or so years ago, were two Canadians called: Dean Clifford, and Robert Menard. These guys, and the common law idea, gave me an understanding, new hope, and confidence, that perhaps there was another system of law that was outside of the legal Parliamentary system, and that perhaps all was not lost. It just did not seem right to me that I was being governed by some unknown faceless bureaucratic suits, and all I could do when they told me to jump, was to ask “how high?”. I thought, and somehow inherently knew, that there was more to life than jumping through every hoop the government put in my way.

Areas of the “common law” idea, and “contract law” made sense to me, however, years later I felt that those involved around the common law movement, had aspects of their argument missing; after all Dean Clifford kept getting locked up making these arguments. I knew, and felt that the “common law” argument, being espoused by its main proponents was ultimately not the full solution. I had tried many of these arguments in my own paperwork, and at court, whilst helping various other people. We had varied success at court, each court case however was a huge leap forward in learning. If you are not at the coalface arguing with the so called authority, and in the courtrooms, or even arguing over a simple parking ticket, how are you ever going to learn which arguments work, and which ones do not? It is remarkable how sometimes, a judge will make an extra comment that can lead to a furtherance of learning. It is very much like the judges give you some clues, if you have the ears to hear.

I continued with my pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the law, and how precisely I was being governed, and after and threatened “arrest” by Marstons, various Warrants of Entry by the local council, I then started to gain court experience by helping others with their court cases; ranging from some farmers at Magistrates Court, right up to Robert Fidler’s “Castle Behind Hay Bales Case” at the High Court in London whereby we kept him out of prison.

Then the local planning authority, and HMRC started to back off, and give me some breathing space. I knew then, that I was headed in the right direction with my thinking, study and research.

Eventually, at perhaps around the year 2015, I let go of the “common law” argument altogether. I knew it was not the ultimate answer. It turned out to be a “place holder” whilst I was searching for the Truth, and you may be pleased to read that I found it. I had found the key, the solution, and the answers to all of my questions. It had been staring at me my whole life.

Now, for the launch of this website in the year 2023, after some fifteen years or more, and many court cases later, I feel confident enough that I can explain to you how the system of law and governance actually works; which is why I set up this website.

I am a simple man, and was a carpenter by trade for many years until I put down the tools, and picked up a pen. These articles that I have written on law and governance, will be written in plain and simple English, after all it was Einstein who said “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. I say that “if someone is trying to confuse you, they are trying to deceive you”. I have written these articles for others out there who are like me; ordinary persons looking for answers. I wish there was a resource like this one available to me, at my time of trouble back in 2007.

The knowledge contained herein is not just “my knowledge”. Information gets passed along from one generation to the next, by every person we meet, and in every meeting we have. We are all standing on the shoulders of those who went before us. I have amassed a huge knowledge base of law and governance, from my research, from my interactions with many authorities over the years, and from the court system itself. My plan is to disseminate this information here at this website, and to share some of what I have learned with you, so that you may avoid some of the pitfalls. This website will become a valuable resource for those of you who have a keen interest in learning about law and governance.

Legal Disclaimer

I am not legally trained, and I have no legal qualifications. You do not need to be legally qualified to understand anything on this website, or to understand how the law works, or indeed how you are governed. You will need a reasonable intellect, some common sense, the ability to think critically, and logically for yourself, and quite possibly the humility to accept that some of your previous beliefs were incorrect. Those prone to pride, and outsourcing thought and responsibility, are perfect candidates to be governed by government.

No writing or information on this website should be construed, or misconstrued as legal advice. I do not sell, or give legal advice. Much of the information available here is readily available on the governments own websites, and in a dictionary. If you have a legal problem or issue, I strongly advise that you dedicate everything to understanding why it is that you believe you are in the predicament you are in. I may suggest it is because you are as ignorant about the law and governance as I was in 2007. I did something about it, and if I can do it, you can too.

I hope you find the information here transformational, and that this platform may become a useful resource to you.

In good


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