The Capillary Wave

Notice Board

24 October  2024

The next article to be released is titled: No Man Can Serve Two Masters. It has the sub title: Being “In” The World But Not “Of” It. I hope to have it released within the next 3-4 days all being well.

This article will look at how  people can exist alongside the persons of the legal system which seems to dominate the minds of the public. I will look at how in our day – to – day lives we might go about using the legal person remedy in that system, allowing people to be “in” the world when it suits them, but not be “of” that secular worldly legal system. 

For a good comparison of the two systems of the; people, and the persons of the state, see my latest article: Dear Christian Countrymen.


23 October  2024

A member of the public has sent in some planning enforcement paperwork which included in it some case law that local councils are now seemingly including in some of their planning enforcement cases. This has prompted me to write an article in direct response to that case law as I am very familiar with the case, and know the family involved. 

Cheshire East Council

The article will include comment from the Man in question to set the record straight. 



22 October  2024

I have a busy end to the month with the release of a members article, and  an interview scheduled with Richard Vobes.


21 October  2024

New article “Dear Christian Countrymen” is is getting some good feedback, and seems very popular as it has rapidly climbed the most popular articles chart. I sincerely hope it helps those that read it.


19 October  2024

I have just finished the first of the two articles that I am currently working on, and that will be published either later this evening or tomorrow morning. It is an open letter to Christians. It can be accessed from the “Making More Waves” section of the Home Page.


16 October  2024

We have been busy this week upgrading and migrating the website to a new server. The website will be down for an hour or so in the next 7 days. We are also changing our email service so please do not send any emails for the next 7 days or so. 

As well as the new Word Index feature, I have been working on two new articles which are within a week or so of completion. One public article and one private. More details to come soon.

I was unsure whether to post a section of a lovely email which I received from a member of the public; but it came on the first anniversary of me sitting down and beginning to start writing these articles for the public. Receiving this email  was a real lift for me, and a fantastic reminder of why I set out to launch this website:

  • “I just wanted to thank you for your work. What you’ve provided here for me are the missing pieces and the penny has been dropping like winning the jackpot one of those slot machines in an arcade. (If that makes sense)…”
13 October  2024

Heads up! The website will be down for 24 hrs or so one day this week for maintenance.


12 October  2024

I will release another new article for the private membership this week titled: “No Man Can Serve Two Masters”. This article will look at what it means to be in the world but not of it. In other words how we might go about benefiting from the worldly legal name, but not carrying its liabilities. 

4 October  2024

I have started work on creating a freely available Index which will be accessible from the Home Page main menu. This valuable resource will grow as more content is added to the website. I have started the Index off with an explanation of “CAPITIS DIMINUTIO” and will aim to add other explanations for things such as: PERSON, PROPERTY, LEGAL NAME, SIMONY, CIVIL LAW, ROMAN LAW, LETTERS PATENT, FRAUD to name a few. I hope you enjoy this new feature.

3 October  2024

I am currently working on several new articles so I am in “offline mode”

24 September  2024

Because Youtube deleted our channel, we are currently in the process of loading our new Rumble channel with videos. Once this has been done we will be adding the links back to the articles. Thank you for your patience.


7  September  2024

capillary wave (def.) capillary waves are the first ripples.

A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system.

A situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects.

A series of things that happen as the result of a particular action or event.

The Disturbance

25 August 2024

A member of the public kindly contacted me to let me know that our Youtube channel has been deleted. This hosted all of the video links to my articles. It is amazing is it not, that simply hosting basic videos of the state actors evidencing much of what is spoken about in my articles causes so many issues?

Facebook has also previously removed my articles explaining to ordinary citizens how they are being governed, which is why this platform was launched. How long now before they remove our Paypal and Stripe donation methods? Whilst annoying, I look upon these things as a compliment, and testimony to the accuracy of my articles.

Please bear with us as we start a RUMBLE channel and re-upload our videos, then add the relevant links back in to the articles.

14 August 2024

Kris Brooks of LSB Film Productions has invited me back on to his channel for another podcast. In this podcast I intend on breaking new ground in the discussion of law and governance. I intend to take these discussions to new levels of understanding for the common man. Obviously these subjects are well known within the hierarchy of the legal fraternity, and by those who rule over us, but for the everyday citizen, the details of this subject matter and their citizenship remains something of a mystery. 

My aim is to empower persons to understand more clearly how they are being governed and to point them to areas where they can search for the answers themselves. There are many avenues the common person can go down when looking for answers to their legal problems, and many are dead ends. Worse still, many are led down these dead ends by confident sounding “teachers” who themselves provide zero evidence for their claims. All articles at are heavily evidence based and grounded in common sense. If you are in a battle with a local authority you will need to point to evidence, and if that evidence is supplied by the Crown itself, then all the better. I sincerely hope you enjoy the interview. Stand by.

31 July 2024

The interview with Kris Brooks is now live.

Here is a link to the interview, with the documents Kris referred to: Link 

and members can discuss the interview in the forum: Link

19 July 2024

I enjoy writing articles about law and governance because the law is black and white, and solutions are either right or wrong. However I am going to start writing articles which cover newsworthy topics that may be considered more social and political observations, covering the issues that affect ordinary citizens, to show how the law relates to these issues which affects us.

The topics and issues that I will be discussing are contentious, and not all necessarily have a black or white answer such as the law gives us.

I want to talk about the bigger picture of third world immigration which is currently drowning Ireland, and is also uncontrolled to this Island, and the possible motives behind it. 
Why the Church of England is being disestablished
I want to talk about gender dysphoria and explain exactly what that is from a legal and biblical perspective. 
I feel these articles right now could be very important for ordinary people to help them understand what is going on around them better, and to give them a clearer understanding.
I feel we are entering in to a dangerous time politically and socially, and those who can speak, need to stand up and speak.

Therefore I am launching a new section to this website which will be dedicated to hosting these new topical commentary articles. I hope to have my first new article of this type live this Sunday, all being well. 

These articles will be available to the public on this platform, and accessed via the Home Page here.

16 July 2024

I have began the early stages of formulating my next article for our private members. The working title of the article is “No Man Can Serve Two Masters” .  The article will look at what it means in practical day to day terms of being in the world but not of it. Each article takes approximately a month from initial rough draft stages, to multiple edits, to uploading to the website, to going live.

11 July 2024

I have just finished editing my latest article which is called “Councils And Local Authorities”. It will be uploaded for our private members. The article looks at the jurisdictions of  local government and points members towards areas within their local councils legal infrastructure which can  facilitate successful outcomes in any legal “discussions”, or unwanted interactions with local government which can sometimes occur. The article will empower members with tangible, and practical information that will give our membership a valuable insight in to the workings of the law, which will aid them in many legal discussions. 

8 July 2024

I am currently assisting at Bristol crown court in a planning enforcement trial. Each case gives an invaluable insight in to the workings of the legal system.

3 July 2024

Today I had a chat with Kris Brooks of YouTube channel: LSB Film Productions. We spoke about some of the issues surrounding our governance. We spoke about how we give away our consent and jurisdiction to authorities who rule over our lives. The conversation had a slant to the “planning permission “ process, of which I have a lot of experience. The interview can be viewed here:

30 May 2024

Our online PDF library has proven to be a huge success, and we are now preparing to add another amazing resource for our members: a video library stocked with high quality videos. 

22  May 2024

The Government vs. God article has gone down well with our subscribers and has seemingly struck a chord with the public too, as it has climbed the most views charts rapidly. 

My next article will be for our members only and will take a look at the jurisdictions of the “local authorities” (local councils)

1 May 2024

I have been working on a new article called “Government Vs God. I will explore the differences in jurisdiction between the two lawmakers. Are Christians under Government or God, how can you know? Who or what does the government have jurisdiction over? What happens when government laws clash with the teachings of The Bible? Is there ever a time a Christian should disobey government? I will explore these topics and much more besides. The findings may shock many citizens and Christians alike…coming soon

19 February 2024

A new article for members will be going live on Wednesday, it is called “Control of the Mind and Body”.

It looks at the control government has over us, and how we gave away that jurisdiction for them to do so. The article looks at the two main types of “person” which are separate and distinct from each other and which are relevant to law and governance and how that pertains to you.

It will also describe why the popular, and commonly accepted meme below is largely incorrect, and will get you in trouble. Charles Spurgeon once wrote that “Discernment is not the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong; rather, it is telling the difference between right and almost right.”

25 January 2024     

Update: The private members can now enjoy a library which is furnished with various high quality PDF’s freely available to members to download.

With all the talk in the mainstream media around War conscription. I have released a new private article for members covering the subject of conscription for war. I examine the history of war conscription, those citizens who were exempt, and the arguments allowed at the military tribunals. I also explain to members precisely who and what is liable to be conscripted, so that members can better protect their family.         

8 January 2024

Well we did it, we launched the website and nothing crashed (yet). Welcome to our new founder members

4 January 2024


Well plans went awry over Christmas for the launch date, partly because it was Christmas, and apparently doing 14 hour days writing articles is “unsociable”. There is no doubt that writing these articles has taken longer than I anticipated, and building a website is harder than I thought.

That aside, I am pressing ahead with the launch this weekend. Details and discounts will be available at our public Facebook group.

We will move ahead with the launch date with the proviso that: we are still adding content, still editing current available content, and still testing out the site. So please bear with us especially in these initial months of launch phase, and then the editing and testing phase – hence the discount

I very much look forward to welcoming our new founder members.

24 December 2023 

Update.  We plan on going live and launching the site properly around December 29. We have some last minute editing and adjustments to make, whilst also uploading some of the private content. We will announce the launch on the public Facebook group. Until then have a fantastic Christmas holiday and thank you for your interest. 

12 December 2023, 

Hi Everyone. We are days away from our public launch date of December 21, 2023. Work is frantically underway editing, and polishing up the site, whilst still adding content. There has been a monumental effort over the last three or four months with; writing, editing, and building the website. I really hope you enjoy it, I am  very excited to be able to bring it to you. 

There is a lot of information available on the public side of the forum to get your teeth into. For those wishing to subscribe here and view the private content, there are several articles ready and waiting, and more articles will be added over the coming months. The forum will be ready and waiting on our launch date, and I am looking forward to chatting to some of you there, over Christmas.

Subscribers: More content will be added as we go along, and we have a great resource available in our own private forum for further debate and discussion. Early subscriptions to our new platform come with a proviso, that being: “please bear with us”. This is a brand new website and it has just been launched, I am sure that there will be teething issues. There is private article content available now, and more will be added on a regular basis, it will be a constant ongoing process, be that new articles, or new forum topics and content. 

I will be on hand so to speak over the coming months to oversee any teething issues. Although the platform will be launched there will be lots of maintenance to be done. We are far from a finished article. 

It is my sincere aim that the forum becomes a tight nit community, for members to help each other via strong debate, networking, and helpful advice. Each of the articles will have its own dedicated forum thread, so feel free to add your comments to your favourite article. 

I will reiterate my aim for this platform: my aim is for this platform to help as many persons as possible. My aim is for the common person to better understand how they are governed, and how law and governance operates around that. Once you understand these specific points, then you will be able to handle much better any generic legal situation. Once you understand the specifics of law and governance, you can apply those general principles of that knowledge, to any legal battle.

My equation for the Capillary Wave to solve the most problems for the most subscribers:

Understanding = Solutions

The Capillary Wave platforms to supply the SPECIFIC and DETAILED principles of ALL law and governance via The Capillary Wave articles / The public gaining a GENERAL, well rounded knowledge of the system, enabling the public to gain knowledge, understanding, to think for themselves, and to be able to tackle ANY legal problem on their own = Optimal value for The Capillary Wave and the public. The true way to success for the individual, their family, and The Capillary Wave.

The equation that does not work, will not succeed, and will not be entered in to here:

The Capillary Wave
——————————–     =  SPECIFIC answer
a SPECIFIC problem

If a person brings to The Capillary Wave  a SPECIFIC legal problem, then A SPECIFIC answer, to a SPECIFIC question, teaches no-one, and creates a dependant for more answers. They do not have an understanding, or knowledge. Maximum specific output for The Capillary Wave, for no real benefit to anyone. 

I am sure we will discuss and look at various case studies, be that parking tickets etc. We will look at GENERAL case studies in order to apply the SPECIFIC principles of law and governance. This is the best way of teaching many persons, and to enable the many to stand on their own two feet.

December 2023

Why Template Letters Are Not The Real Solution

A few years back, there was a website called “Get Out Of Debt Free”. That website was a very good resource for the common person to begin to understand how debt works, sadly it is no longer available. It helped many many people get out of debt for free. The site had a section whereby members of the public could download free letter templates, which could be then be sent off to the various banks or debt collectors, and they had a forum for members to discuss the template letter process.

Template letters have their place. Template letters are useful tools to “buy you some time”, and even to help you to understand how you might format your own letters, but they are not a lasting solution to a legal problem. A template letter advertises to your adversary that:

1. Someone else wrote the letter. 

2. You do not understand the issue at hand. If you understood the issue at hand, you would not need a template letter, written by someone else who does understand. I imagine these banks had many of the same template letters coming in.

Lasting solutions to legal problems do not come via a template letter written by someone else. If I were your adversary, and I received a template letter from you, I would know immediately that you do not understand the situation you are involved in, and I would know that by applying some further pressure, there is every chance that you will buckle and cave in. The website “Get Out Of Debt Free” was successful because they had a forum which gave ongoing support to those who were using the template letters. Admin were on hand in the forum, answering many of the enquiries. If you deal in template letters, you will need to have a support system for those who do not understand the process, or what the letters themselves actually mean. If one side in a legal battle does not understand what they are involved in, it can be easy for the other side to win.

The premise of this platform is to help you to better understand the situation you are in. Once you understand your situation, you are far more likely to be able to write your own letters, and then your adversary will 1. Know that you understand what is going on. 2. Know that the chances of success against you have now drastically altered, and your adversary will be far more likely to move on to the next case. At The Capillary Wave I aim to show you how the legal system works, what your part is in that system, and other key elements surrounding this. Such information is vital if you are to stand any chance of success in a legal battle of any size. There are no plans here to have any template letters, in fact I will not be getting involved in any individual legal issues at all. That is not what this platform is for. My aim is to help as many citizens as possible understand law and governance, and to empower them with their own understanding and knowledge. Once you properly understand a problem, you can attack it from many different angles.

We have a private forum available here for Gold members. The forum is a great resource for members here to further discuss and investigate the articles here, to debate and network. The forum will not be a 24/7 legal helpline for individual cases.

I will look forward to interacting with Gold members over on the forum. Come and join the discussion.

For more articles full of interesting information on Law and Governance please see the menu below.

I trust that you gained something from my work? If so please consider sharing the article. If you feel like buying me a coffee, or making a donation, that would be greatly appreciated.