The Capillary Wave

Christians Have You Been Deceived? [Part 1]

A Capillary Wave Article Via: C M EDWARDS October 2023
An Examination Of The Claim That Christians Are Being Deceived

Hullo and a warm welcome. I felt that I needed to write an introduction specifically to the Christian reader, who finds themselves here. Hopefully you have read the Introduction article first, which gives an insight in to why I set this website up and my intentions for this platform. This article has a provocative title, and my aim here is to explain and provide the evidence to my claim that most christians have been deceived by the great Deceiver. Now I know that is a bold claim, and it is one that I feel I can not only justify, but prove to you. Before I get in to why I feel you have been deceived, firstly I would like to give a very brief background about myself so that you understand better what my motivation is for writing this article in the first instance.

From a worldly beginning
My journey started off in a world of worldliness around the year 2007/08, as I was busy trying to earn a living. I had no thoughts about the law, other than to try and avoid breaking it if possible. Like most young men I was keen to earn a good living, and I was also passionate about playing for, and managing; my local football team. That was my world, work and play.

Then, as mentioned in the Introduction article here, I had some serious legal problems come my way from the local councils planning enforcement department, and other legal problems regarding some tax issues from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), which was also compounded by the great recession of 2007/8. My business life was now being crushed from all angles, legally and financially, and so was my ability to earn a living. Things were bleak.

These legal issues forced me to start researching the law, in an attempt to dig myself out of this hole. To keep a long story short, I got very interested in law and governance, especially when I discovered a few of the tricks that the legal profession regularly use against us. I then stopped my carpentry business and began to concentrate on my new study of law and governance. Once I understood the tricks that the legal fraternity use, I turned the tables to my advantage. My legal problems went away a few years later. It was no over night success by any means, but lots of small wins along the way.

Why is this relevant to the Christian reader being deceived? I will get to that. Well, I was not a church goer, or a Christian by most measures. It was not that I did not believe in God. It was that I did not really know much about the subject, what to think about it, or how it could help my life in any way, shape, or form. None of my family were Christians, and neither were any of my friends. Nobody in three generations of my family owned a Bible, that I am aware of – or that many books come to think about it – you get the picture. However, The Bible was soon to become very relevant in my life.

The Law became my schoolmaster, unbeknown to me at the time, I was just trying to survive:

  • Galatians 3:24, KJV 1611 – “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” 


I did not even realise that I was being enrolled at school again, but I can assure you that I was, and words and their definitions became extremely import in my life, and for my legal struggles.

In an effort to stave off my legal issues, researching law and governance, in an environment with a potential prison sentence, was very … mind focusing. I could not rely on what I thought I knew about the law, or what other persons opinions on the law were, I had to know for sure, and it had to be correct. I had to take chances in order to avoid going to jail over a planning enforcement matter. I dedicated a lot of time to my now, new passion for study. Which brings me on to the reason for this article, for you: the Christian.

Anyone that is serious about understanding law and governance, at some point in their study, will arrive at reading and owning a Bible. There is no way around it, this Book is The Law, and has been the backbone for the rules of civilisation for centuries. In the past many have died at the hands of Rome for simply owning a copy of it, and people have died trying to produce Bibles for the common man: William Tyndale was burned alive for printing his version. The Houses of Parliament were also the target of a Catholic, Jesuit, plot on November 5, 1605, in an attempt to kill King James I, who was making preparations to mass produce his authorised version of The Bible. This finally became available to the public in 1611, after many years in production. In short, this Book is something that any student of the Law must own and study, in order to have a good comprehension of the rules by which we are governed.

Well I was worldly, but I was also studying law, so I looked in to which Bible I should buy myself. There is only one Bible that matters if you are studying law, and that is the Authorised King James Version 1611. It has to be that Bible, because it is the version that is authorised and accepted by the Crown; they also happen to be the adversary in any planning enforcement battle, at Crown court. So it made sense for me to buy a KJV 1611.

In my research for which Bible to buy, I discovered that a KJV 1611 Bible, also requires a Strong’s Concordance book to go alongside it, to aid with translation. I could not believe it, I have gone from owning hardly any books, to now owning a Bible and a concordance, two of the hardest books to read, or at least so I thought. But read them I must, so I did.

I soon found out that it was a treasure trove of information. It was the only version of The Bible that I had. I studied it because I could see it was a useful tool in my fight against the local council, and HMRC, and I was now curious. I started to learn from its pages, and from talking to others who were studying it.

The Word that changed the course of my life was:

Job 32:21 – 22, KJV 1611 – Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22 For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.

By looking at my legal problems, and making comparisons to what The Bible had to say about some of those key legal words, I realised what The Bible was conveying to me in the above Job chapter. I knew that this passage could be the key to success against my legal issues. What this Book was conveying to me, about accepting titles and man’s person, was revelatory for me and hugely important, as the articles here attest.

The Claim: Christians Are Being Deceived


It saddens me to state that as a Christian you may find some of my articles here challenging to your current perspective. I just do not get the impression from my interactions with Christians, that you realise how the Word of The Bible, affects how the government deals with you on a daily basis. I know most understand the “gospel” elements of The Bible, but I feel some have little understanding of how the Government uses biblical words to rule over your lives every single day. This website explains in great detail those aspects for you. All of these articles point towards the Truth, and only glory your faith when you follow this information to its ultimate conclusion. I used the word sadden because I feel that many Christians have been deceived, and the thing about deception is, the victim never knows that they are being deceived, if they knew that they were deceived, then it would not be a deception. So the victim is completely unaware.

Legal rules, are the rules of man, and there is a legal maxim that states:

Legal maxim –  let he who would be deceived, be deceived.

That maxim may well be enough proof for a Christian that man’s laws are not to be trusted. Since those that are victims of deception do not know it, I would like to offer my reasons why I believe that many Christians have been deceived, and I am happy to provide the facts and evidence, to substantiate my claim. Once the evidence of my claim, and my reasoning has been shown, I will leave the conclusions for you (the Jury) to decide.

A verse that may strike fear in to the heart of a Christian is:

  • Matthew 7:21, KJV 1611 – Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven.


I have something relevant for you to consider: If you do not have all of the Fathers Word or words; or worse, false words, I claim that you can not know if you are doing His will. That would seem an uncontroversial statement, and self evident.

I would like to bring something else to your attention, and I pray this will help you avoid being told:

  • Matthew 7:23, KJV 1611 –  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


As stated, my worry is that many of you have been deceived, and I will show you how.


Many Christians that I know, or talk to on occasion, do not own an Authorised King James Version 1611 Bible, many have new versions like the New International Version (NIV). Many Christians that I have spoken to almost look surprised that I read an antiquated KJV 1611, and their reaction to that news surprises me, and confirms the suspicions which I have outlined herein.

For years the only Bible that I had was a KJV 1611, and I found that when I have spoken to a Christian, and I have innocently pointed out to them, a few things of interest to me in relation to a legal perspective. I mainly draw blank stares. It was like I was talking a different language to them, and I now see that essentially I was.

I have found that whilst studying legal writings, documents, and law books; the further back in time you can go in paper, the more revealing the words are, which are being used. I also own a Geneva Bible that pre-dates the KJV 1611, for this reason. I find it fascinating to see which words from The Geneva Bible, have been swapped out in the KJV 1611 Bible. I have found that it is often the most interesting and revelatory words, in key chapters; the words that hold important messages, that get changed out and replaced. It is very subtil. I often reverse engineer these changes, so that it shows me a new area of study, which always reveals something new about the teachings of The Bible. This practice of swapping out key words will make it that much harder for modern readers to fully understand, the fundamental secrets / meanings of The Bible that are trying to be conveyed. That would seem obvious, if words are being swapped out and changed. Which brings me on to the point of this article, and my genuine concern for you.

The KJV 1611 is copyrighted and authorised by the Crown, and for that reason a defendant may use it as evidence at a court. This link here takes you to a list of Bibles that are currently available in the marketplace:


There are probably more Bibles available than this, but these are the ones which I found, and it will serve my purposes here well enough.

There are many different versions of The Bible available to buy according to that link. To make a “new version” of a Bible it has to be ten percent different than another version, for copyright law reasons. Many different Bibles could theoretically mean a huge difference from “an old” version, which the KJV 1611 is – it dates back centuries. Not only that, but extremely importantly, the KJV 1611 also has a Strong’s Concordance book, that can be used alongside: The KJV 1611 Bible, for research and study purposes.

The Strong’s Concordance is full of Hebrew and Greek words, and numerical codes for most of the words in the KJV 1611. Yes, nearly all of the words in the KJV 1611 have an associated numerical code, and Strong’s is the decoding book that will help the reader to study the Word of God. Some [most] new versions, do not have this highly detailed, exhaustive code breaker book, to go alongside them. So if you are only reading a modern version of The Bible, how can you possibly ever know the “hidden” meanings and teachings of The Bible? You can not, is my assertion, but let me continue with my claim, as it does not stop there.

Here is someone who is an advocate of the many new versions of The Bible, confirming much of what I have stated here:

I am only a carpenter, but I know that if a Bible has a numerical code book (Strong’s) that goes with it, then The Bible must be written in code, i.e it does not say what it might first appear to say, or at the very least, it might well be working on several layers of communication, which without the code book, only one version would be available to you, i.e the prima facie words. Strong’s Concordance reveals the hidden code and meanings of The Bible.

You can read a KJV 1611 as is, and you will read the information well enough to get an overall idea. However, if you read a KJV 1611 in conjunction with the code book (Strong’s), you will get a much much deeper and different picture, which reveals many other secrets. It is not hard to reason that the purpose of the code book (Strong’s) – is to reveal hidden meanings in The Bible, and it does.

The KJV 1611 Bible tells Christians:

  • Matthew 5:18, KJV 1611 – For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


In modern parlance, that is like dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s”, which is what we say when we are being proper and specific about an important document. In other words, no word is to be touched or altered from The Bible. It is a straightforward and unambiguous command and statement.

  • Proverbs 30:5-6, KJV 1611 – Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. 


  • Rev 22:19, KJV 1611And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


The Bible is a historic Law document, and if people start changing the words then you are altering the Law, which is why One would presume The Bible states not to do that, very clearly. Imagine, if you as a publisher, could change 10, 20, 30 percent of the words in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which ordinarily prohibits development in the UK countryside. You would have a very different set of rules, and possibly your dream house, built in a beautiful secluded spot. This might not be allowed, had you not altered the law in some way.

Because I am from a building background, I often refer to the KJV 1611 as an anchor, or the datum mark. A datum mark is essential on any housing estate when building new houses, to ensure that everything that is newly built, has sound foundations. The KJV 1611 is essential for any Christian who wishes to be anchored to the Truth. I wonder how many Christians are aware that the same word in English language, can be two different words in the Strong’s code book. Also, two different English words, can share the same Strong’s code and meaning; and that happens regularly in the KJV 1611, it is not a rarity, nor is it an accident:


Given that each word that looks the same on the face of it, can have different codes, and different meanings in the Strong’s Concordance, how on Earth can you decode what is being conveyed without a Strong’s Concordance? Let alone with a NIV, or other version which may use totally different words.

It is my claim, and I have seen the evidence with my own eyes, that lots of Christians are ”lost at sea”, broke free of the anchor, that anchor being The Word: The KJV 1611. God is the Word, not a Word, or any Word, but “the Word” as stated:

  • John 1:1, KJV 1611 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


From what will be revealed below, I can understand why so many Christians that I speak with, think I am speaking in another language. I feel many have lost touch with “the Word”, and may have accepted “any word”.

I am not just being a pedant. This is very serious, as I will go on prove. A question that I have is: how can a Christian who only uses a “new version” of The Bible, be sure that what they are reading has not been significantly altered? I do not think that they can be sure, because it would seem that many Christians may have lost sight of the datum mark.

For copyright reasons, the new versions which many Christians are using, have to be altered by copyright law, in spite of what is commanded in The Bible itself:

  • Matthew 5:18, KJV 1611 – For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


This matter is so very important to me and dear to my heart, because it was a very specifically worded verse in The Bible, that helped me to unlock my own legal troubles, and find Salvation. As previously stated, that chapter was:

  • Job 32:21-22, KJV 1611 – Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22 For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.


This is what the NIV states at the same chapter:

  • Job 32:21-22 – I will not [I warn you] be partial to any man [that is, let my respect for you mitigate what I say]; Nor flatter any man. 22 For I do not know how to flatter, [in an appropriate way, and I fear that], My Maker would soon take me away.


A lawyer would recognise how serious those differences are between those two versions. Those verses are completely different. Not a little bit different, but completely different, especially from a legal perspective. Remember, The Bible is a book of the Law. You can not mess about with the Law, that is why The Bible tells us not to. Not only that, but the NIV Bible, completely omits an extremely important word with regards to the Law: “person”. That word: “person” was the most important word in my life around 2007/08. Had I only had the NIV Bible, I would never have had any legal success, and I would have never found the Truth. What is stated in the book of Job in the KJV 1611, is specific to man’s law, and my predicament, and God intended for it to be that way. The NIV quote at Job, has no relevance whatsoever to man’s law, or for anyone in a legal predicament, or to me.

When you read the articles here, I am sure that you will completely understand this point, as it will become very obvious to you. What a subtil deception.

Above is a picture of a KJV 1611 Bible mobile phone application, of Genesis 3:1, with the Strong’s Concordance coded words underlined. Most words are hyperlinked in the application to the Greek and Hebrew meanings, and a code number for that specific word. Below is the further expansion of the word “subtil” from Genesis 3:1, and its Strongs’ code and much more information.

Here are links to some electronic resources. If you are intending to study law seriously, one or more, is a must:


Do not fool yourself in to thinking that having a few missing, or different words here and there, is not really that significant. There are important, very subtil differences. I have not met one church going Christian that can either explain to me what Job 32:21 / 22 actually means, or relates to, because most of the Christians that I have met and talked to, tell me that they either “only read the New Testament” or, “only read the New International Version”.

The Importance of Job 32:21-22

If I were your enemy, I too would hide those specific words at Job from you, because you may still have no idea how important it is to you. There is more to come.

How many Christians who are reading this, regularly use their titles “Mr and Mrs Smith”, or “Mr and Mrs Jones”, and have no idea what those titles mean, or how it could possibly relate to The Bible?

The Bible says at:


Were you aware that Mr, Mrs, Ms and Messers are all titles that belong to a persons name, and that all of those abbreviations mean master? “Belongs to a persons name” – not your name – but a persons name. Man’s person. The Bible specifically informs you not to be called master, yet you may call yourself master, and may let others address you as master nearly every single day. These are just a few points that are revealed in Strong’s Concordance, and in the KJV 1611, yet are nowhere to be seen in the NIV.

Let me remind you of the most influential words in my life [with added emphasis]:

  • Job 32:21 – 22, KJV 1611 – Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22 For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.


“Take me away”, that sounds bad, that sounds to me like dying to God. What I have shown you here is unambiguous in my view.

The Bible also has this to say specifically about “persons”:

Job 13:10, KJV 1611 – He will surely reprove you, if ye do secretly accept persons.
Romans 2:11, KJV 1611 – For there is no respect of persons with God.
Proverbs 24:23, KJV 1611 – These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in Judgment.
James 2:9, KJV 1611 – But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors
Acts 10:34, KJV 1611 – Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.

The above message about persons from The Bible, can be heard when Judge Kavanaugh takes his oath as a Supreme Court judge in the video link below, when he affirms he will be “no respecter of persons”.    More evidence of the supremacy of the Word of God, and that The Holy Scripture is the Word of The Law. So there you have a top judge, who presides over all legal matters swearing on oath to be “no respecter of persons,” – which is very likely to be you reading this. All UK judges are also governed by what it states in The Bible, so the same will apply here, although there is no public declaration such as this:

Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh

It would seem that a person is not good in the eyes of God or man. Incorrect in both jurisdictions. That does not seem good at all, and these things are omitted from some “new versions”.

A “person” is a very specific legal status which government, judiciary, police and local authorities, have jurisdiction (control) over. Here are some definitions of the word “person” from the Parliamentary Acts:

• The “Interpretation Act 1978″ at Schedule II, Section 4.(5) states:
The definition of “person”, so far as it includes bodies corporate, applies to any provision of an Act whenever passed relating to an offence punishable on indictment or on summary conviction.

The same Act at Section 21. (2) also states: This Act binds the Crown

The Petition Of Right [1627] states that a ‘person’ is  a ‘Souldier and Marriner’.

“Soul-dier”, perhaps that is a clue for the Christians reading this as to why it is so bad in the eyes of The LORD God. Were you previously aware that the legal definition of the word person is Soul – dier? Serious stuff for any Christian to consider, would you not agree?

I could talk for hours on why the biblical verse at Job 32:21 – 22 in the KJV 1611 is so very important to a Christian. In the example above I have alluded to a couple of the ways in which you may go against what is commanded in The Bible, every single day. It is so very important, not least because it affects your soul, and yet the whole significance of this chapter and verse, has been lost, and it is irrelevant in the NIV. It is no wonder I feel like I am speaking another language, when I speak to some Christian at times. They are most likely reading a doctored version of the Law, and have little idea what God has commanded of them, in some very key areas of their lives.


Let He Who Would Be Deceived, Be Deceived
  • 2 Timothy 4:2-5, KJV 1611
    Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.


I encourage you to read the public articles here, which I hope will give you a good understanding of how The Bible affects your everyday life. You will also realise just how very important the chapter at Job 32:21-22 is, and why the word: person is so very important. You will also come to understand why accepting titles is also a bad idea. I hope you will gain a new appreciation for your Holy Book. You are a part of the section of society that should gain the most from this platform. You should have a head start on the others, as all Law and Governance flows from The Bible; your book. The Christian reader will hopefully gain a lot of comfort from the information which is presented herein, as it proves that The Word, is the ultimate authority, and extremely relevant today in all of our lives.

At: The Capillary Wave I explain specifically how The Bible interacts with the laws that govern societies today. I have shown how relevant The Bible is to all peoples, even the atheists, and how it governs their daily lives. I have shown how governments revere The word of God.

I am worried that too many Christians are being deceived. I am worried about Christians reading a doctored version of the Word, being altered, because of copyright law. I have put forward some of the evidence available which I believe proves how Christians are being deceived.

I hope some of what I have stated has moved you. I will of course ask you to read the public articles, and hope that you see the relevance this subject has to a Christian. I have made this article because I have seen so many Christians who seem disconnected from the Word. I feel that maybe this is because they have been misled. I have only picked up on a small area of the deception, which is of vital importance to me. I have seen how seemingly lost too many Christians are, and I claim that this deception is a key factor, and it is one of the main reasons I have launched this platform. I wish to be of some assistance to Christians in helping them understand some of the more obscure verses of The Bible. Perhaps we can learn more together.

If you would like a deeper look in to the KJV 1611, I highly advise setting aside a couple of hours and taking some notes from this guy:

Had I not been diligent and found the correct Bible at the start of my legal troubles (KJV 1611), my own journey would have been very different, and not in a good way. I would not have been delivered from the law.

  • Romans 7:6 KJV 1611 – But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.


Man’s law is entirely predicated on one word: person. The very word that has been omitted from the NIV. I dread to think where my life would be today had I only read a NIV Bible. I would probably still be a soul – dier.

The Case For The Prosecution Concludes
  • 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV 1611 – 
    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


Take note on the importance of the words which have been omitted from the NIV below. Ask yourself, who benefits? Would the Enemy want you to see these words? Would Satan be made stronger, or weaker by the omission of these words?

King James Version 1611
Luke 4:4 – And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
New International Version
Luke 4:4 – Jesus answered, ‘it is written: “Man shall not live on bread alone.

King James Version 1611
Luke 4:8 – And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve
New International Version
Luke 4:8 – Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’

King James Version 1611
Matthew 18:11 – For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
New International Version
[verse Omitted]

King James Version 1611
Mark 7:16 – If any man have ears to hear, let him hear
New International Version
[verse Omitted]

King James Version 1611
Mark 11:26 – But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
New International Version
[verse Omitted]

King James Version 1611
1 John 5:7 – For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one
New International Version
For there are three that testify:

King James Version 1611
Isaiah 14:12 – How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
New International Version
Isaiah 14:12 – How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the Dawn!

A Summing Up For The Jury

I could go on to supply much more evidence in a similar vein. Clear omissions of some of the most important Scripture from the body of the Word. Some important words are confined to the tiny footnotes, and some are not there at all, in the NIV.

The law on this is clear and unambiguous:

Matthew 5:18 KJV 1611 –  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Revelation 22:18-19: KJV 1611 – 18 – For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Proverbs 30:5-6, KJV 1611 – 5 – Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Deuteronomy 12:32, KJV 1611 – What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.


I will leave it to you to decide whether or not my concerns for Christians are justified, and whether I have outlined a great deception. A deception only works if the victim is unaware. You are now aware.

  • Acts 20:26-35, KJV 1611
    Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
    28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. 32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. 33 I have coveted no man’s silver, or gold, or apparel. 34 Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. 35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.



If you feel that others would benefit from reading this article, please consider sharing it. If you would like to find out more about law and governance and learn the secrets about law that I found out in my studies, then you can start by reading my articles in ascending numerical order which will garner the best results for you.

More articles on Law and Governance can be read from the menu below.

If you feel like buying me a coffee, or making a donation, that would be greatly appreciated.

In good faith