The Capillary Wave


Via: C M EDWARDS October 2023.
“Of all the specialised skills abroad in the world today, the average man knows least about the one that affects him most – about the thing that lawyers call The Law”. – Fred Rodell



Hullo and a warm welcome.   

I felt that I needed to write an introduction that was a bit more in-depth than the standard About Section, and to follow on from that, I would like to set the stage for what this website is about, and what I hope it achieves.

My first interest in Law and governance came around the year 2007. I had no choice other than to get interested in law; I was in a very bad place legally speaking, and as a result of those legal issues, it greatly effected my mental state.

I went from the depths of despair to begrudgingly having to read legislation, constitutions, and policies of various authorities, which were relevant to my situation. My adversaries were the kind that regularly have persons put in prison. I went from begrudgingly reading legislation and documents, to gladly reading their policies. Ultimately, years later my main legal adversaries went away because of what I had learned about law and governance, some of which I am sharing via my articles here.

Having a better understanding of the Law, has left me feeling very liberated, and have been inspired with a mission to pass on some of what I have learned to the ordinary person, who may be in a similar position to the one I was in. If I can free myself from the depths of legal despair, so can you. 

Citizens Advice will aid you for free if you are in a legal quagmire, but they will not explain the system of law and governance to you leaving you vulnerable, perhaps, to a repeat of the situation. A barrister is not allowed to explain to you the key features of the legal system, or the mechanisms it employs to govern you; even if he knows.

• Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered – Luke 11:52, KJV 1611

Lots of ordinary persons can not afford a barrister, or a solicitor, to help them with any legal issues they may be facing. So where does that leave the average man who is facing a legal tsunami?

I was very much that average man around  2007/08, that was up to my eyeballs in legal strife (or so I perceived at the time). It is now November 2023, and I feel that I have amassed a vast amount of knowledge about the system of law and governance. I have a passion for learning about these subjects, and I have a desire to pass on this understanding about the fundamentals of the system to the common man, and that is why The Capillary Wave was launched.

This website has been created to offer a leg-up to any common person out there, who may be facing legal difficulties, and who might be desperately searching for answers to their predicament. I am also confident it will aid any legal professional who might care to look over the articles, as it will reveal areas of governance that you are not taught at college or university.

My law teacher was the “local authority”, H M Revenue & Customs, and the court system, and because the technology is now readily available, I also had access to any legislation that I could find, and almost any case law I could research. There really was no excuse for me to be ignorant, and we should all know that ignorance of the law is no excuse.  See Article #4.

Who Can have The Keys To Knowledge?

So, can anyone understand law and governance, or is it only for the select few to understand?

I am not legally trained. I have never studied law as a law student at a college or university. I was a carpenter by trade and had my legal troubles around 16 years ago. I was forced to put down my tools, and to pick up a pen – which was the best thing I ever did. I had to research law and governance for myself, as nobody that I knew could help me, I could not afford legal help, and if I did not quickly understand the situation I was in, it may have landed me in prison or worse.

The articles I have made available to the public here for free, will help anyone who reads them understand better their own legal situation / status. I have made this information available to you here, to help you; and to save you stress, time, and money. I can not help but feel that if more people were to understand the ways in which they are governed, then the world would be a better place.

This platform is full of information that can help anyone begin to get out of legal strife. For the more serious student, I have a private members area of this website, and a private forum that is for more specialised, detailed discussion and articles. The information available here, has been gained from many years of hard won knowledge, against local authorities in the courtrooms. It is my aim that these articles will help anyone who is open minded, determined, and diligent enough to understand better their own legal problem. You must be determined and diligent to stand a decent chance.

I am a simple man, and I have written my articles in plain and simple English. I have no desire to be a lawyer, or to sound like one. I have had no recognisable further education, aside from a carpentry apprenticeship, after I left school at 15 years old. English Language is not my forte, and I am sure you will find some typos’s and grammatical-errors. Do not let my simple approach fool you in to thinking that you will not find any value in what is being explained. I am very confident that many ordinary persons, and even the legal professional, will have their current world views changed by the information I have prepared for you here.

• Loquendum ut vulgus, sentiendum ut docti – We speak as the common people, we must think as the learned. 

These articles are hyperlinked, and each hyperlink will take you to another page, where further definitions will be given for a word, or a further explanation of the subject matter. These links may lead you off to many other areas of research; as it did me.

I, in no way claim that these articles cover the entirety of any of these topics; No doubt many books have been written about each of the subject areas alone which I am attempting to reveal here. These are complex topics which I have condensed in to various articles. My aim with these public articles is to give you the rough outline, the route map, and provide you with some of the resources to start your own enquiry and journey, based upon the evidence presented here. Ultimately the route is yours to walk alone, if you choose to do so. The private articles which are available to members here will expand on the subject matter in much more detail. The public articles are not intended to be an exhaustive study on every topic or concept presented. I understand that some may disagree with the findings of an article. I would ask however, that you consider the entire body of work available publicly, and base your conclusions on that. One article is only a small snap shot, one jigsaw piece within the complex topic of law and governance.

The legal professional who finds him / herself here, will find information that would never be taught in your curriculum at law college. This is a perspective, that as a professional, you would never normally need to understand law; Serving as you do, the system from within. This information, and my perspective, was attained from outside of the system looking in. I went on the only route which was available to me, knowing full well that if I put a step wrong, I could be imprisoned. I am sure you can appreciate, that adds a unique dimension to study, whereby the thoughts and opinions of others, are far less important than the Truth. This is how I feel about the information I have presented here. I am driven to produce what is accurate and true, and not necessarily what is popular and comfortable.

Many of us do not fully understand the definitions of some of the words we use in our everyday life, and many do not understand much of what our adversaries are stating in their letters and paperwork; if you did, you may not be in legal strife to start with. That was my starting point; word definitions, and I have carried through that thought process here. I try not to make any assumptions about what someone else knows, or does not know, and starting at the start, is often the best place to begin. 

There is little need for me to add too much of my own opinion to these articles, I will let the definitions, persons in various offices, evidence and facts, speak for themselves – at least that is the intention. I have set up the framework of the discussion in these articles, to reveal the topic to the reader. Everything evidenced, and stated herein is information that is readily available to you. There is nothing too technical about what I have presented here, the information is mostly common sense, and logical; and the word definitions themselves back up the premise, which is supported by the legislation and Scripture etc. These articles are a presentation of evidence, put together and framed in such a way as to explain the points I am trying to get across. There is no requirement for you to believe anything presented, it is all evidenced. I have had success with this knowledge of the system of law and governance; to date this has been kept relatively private. I have on occasion been in the public view. The case below was the highest profile planning case in the country (UK) at the time. The video below was made on the steps of the High Court in London, whereby we kept a client who built a castle, out of prison. You may recall the case: Mr Fidler failed to comply with a planning enforcement notice, which ultimately led to this committal hearing.


I am sure that you can see the irony in this case, I went from once having my own fears of being placed in prison, to keeping another from jail over a planning enforcement matter. I have tested at court, many times, much of “my theories”, and what I have stated and presented here for you; the propositions, which I have laid out on this subject if you like. I welcome any informed, evidenced, referenced, rebuttals to any of the articles presented here. I can be reached via the contact section of the main menu. In order for a reader of these articles to refute what is being presented to them, the reader will have to overcome a few obstacles. The main obstacles being, that the definitions of the specific, relevant words; align with the proposition, which aligns with the legislation itself; which also aligns with the main actors of the relevant Offices of state, and their comments, and statements in governance (where appropriate); and, the teachings of: The Bible.

I feel I have presented a robust position, and one I that I have since based my life around, let alone a mere court case. Having said that, I am fully aware that no man knows all there is to know, and I am open to considered rebuttals; as I know that we can all make mistakes, and I often do.

The specific mechanisms of law and governance can be an extremely complicated thing to explain. Einstein said “if you cant explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. I have explained it as simply as I can, not least because I would like my nine year old daughter to be reading, and understanding these articles when she is a little older. She is already keen to learn!

Legality Vs Morality

This segment of my introduction runs the risk of triggering the “disgust response” in the reader. Up to now in this introduction, you will not have been forced in to any metaphysical corner, nor will you have been challenged on any of your own preconceptions with regards to legality, or morality. Added to that I have inserted my own opinion here – which I accept is vastly different from that of most persons. My own personal journey has taken me down a narrow path, which has forged my “unique” outlook, and I agree, it is not “ the norm”, but, it has been successful for me nonetheless.

I am not here to intentionally cause controversy for controversy’s sake. Hopefully you are here because my articles bring a different viewpoint to this subject, and that has piqued your interest. If the reader can objectively look at the points which are raised in my articles, then I feel this may put you in the best position to be able to take on board, some of what is stated here. I am almost certain it will be new information to you.       

I am no scholar, and far brighter people than myself have written papers and thesis’ on the question of Legality Vs Morality, but I feel I must broach this subject, and clarify the intent and motivation behind my articles. I am not here to judge anyone, or to make it easy for persons to “get away with something”, or for individuals to shirk their responsibilities. Nobody ever escapes Justice, and everybody is under the Law in one way or another – in fact, that is one key message which I would like all readers to take away, that ultimately, nobody escapes Justice, or the Law. My articles may help you understand that.                

I also make the assertion that anyone who is diligent, and cares enough to take the time to fully comprehend the system of law and governance, will not need a “government” to govern them. Undoubtedly, with freedom comes real responsibility. I would argue that those who need to be governed by government; by definition, need the government, and do not wish to take responsibility for themselves, which may be why they are being governed by government in the first instance [how to alienate your audience]. Have you ever stopped to consider, that this is the very reason why “government” gets to tell you what you can do, and when you can do it, in every aspect of your life? – that is not taking responsibility, that is more akin to a child; and that is definitely not freedom in my book, or The Book of the Law. That was also the position that I found myself in prior to the year 2007.

• “To say that a stone falls to earth because it is obeying a law makes it a man and even a citizen.” – C.S. Lewis.

So, Legality Vs Morality, what does that even mean? To me, in the simplest terms – which is how I like to view everything if at all possible  – it is about whether it is moral to follow legal dictates. I have already alluded to my position, in that I feel it lacks individual responsibility to follow man made laws and orders, and it is perhaps evidence itself that a person lacks the responsibility, and the faith, which it takes to follow his or her own conscience. After all, even a stone can be a good citizen.

We have heard that the defence of “I was just following orders”, was not enough for certain German Officers at The Hague trials, shortly after World War II. “I was just following orders”, was apparently not a defence the court would accept, as the Officers were deemed to have had a moral duty (presumably), and conscience to override those orders that were self evidently immoral, and unlawful; even though they were legal.

We have the common examples given in these types of debates on Legality Vs Morality: slavery, apartheid, and the killing of Jews, all being “legal” at differing points in human affairs; none of which could be argued as being moral – at least not in my view. In modern times we have the abortion debate, which is another example of man’s laws [Legality] Vs Morality. The legal question on abortion has been answered, just as in the previous examples, secular laws have deemed that abortion is legal. The moral question that needs answering is: “it’s ok to kill a baby in the womb when…?”. Just as the moral question that was answered at The Hague trials, was: “It’s ok to kill a Jew when…?”.

It is my view that if someone needs to be told to drive at 20 mph past a primary school entrance at 9am on weekdays, then that person needs to be strictly governed, for the sakes of those who do not. The same might apply to someone who would chain smoke in a car with a newborn baby. Clear evidence of a lack of any empathy, awareness, or thought for your fellow man. That is why there are now rules for such things, because persons have had to be told it is wrong, rather than them knowing consciously it is wrong. It seems the case to me that, legal rules and laws increase in a society, in direct correlation, to the slide of that societies moral values. Slightly off topic I know, but 30 years ago a car manual explained how to adjust the valve clearances; nowadays it warns you not to drink the oil.

What is moral pertains to spiritual and ethical values, and what is legal pertains to man’s laws; morality is by definition in opposition to secular man’s laws.     

Galatians 3:23 / 25, KJV 1611 – But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

The Covid lockdowns for me was an interesting recent observation on the public’s behaviour to unusual laws and mandates. It did make me wonder if there would be any law, or imposed measures, that modern day persons would not go along with. Many seemed willing to lock themselves in their own houses, not visit elderly family, and to autonomously follow directional stickers on the High Street pavement, all because the law told them to, whilst those who imposed these dictates, did nothing of the sort.

A stone has already been compared as to having some of the same characteristics of a good citizen, obeying the laws. Moses famously came down from the mountain holding two tablets of stone, with the law etched on to them. If the law is etched on to your heart and soul, then maybe you do not need to be told by a government what you should, and should not be doing? However, if the law is not etched on your heart, nor your conscience, you may need it to be written down for you, by another. You can not get blood out of a stone; and a stone, although a good citizen, has no morals, and is dead.

My numbered articles are not my own personal critique on the law, or governance. My articles examine what is, the status quo. I examine the very fabric which holds society in place, and I show you what your part is within that society. The reader can base their own opinions of what is right or wrong, deduced from the evidence provided, and we have seen above, that just because something is legal, it does not mean it is right, or righteous. For instance, in Article #2 “What Do You Know”, I explain logically what it means to have a driving licence. I also state that not everyone is liable to pay “income tax”. These are two hot button topics. My conclusions are not my opinion. My conclusions are what is. Not, how I want things  to be, or what I wish they were. I present the facts. It would be very surprising if a lawyer were to go on the record and explain to you, what I have explained about income tax, and the driving licence. A lawyer relies upon the legal system, which supports and encourages both of those things; however, that does not mean that there are no other options available to you, because there are; those are just the facts of the matter.

I told you that when I started out looking at these areas of study, that I was not very interested in opinions, and that is true. I was determined to find out what the status quo was, and not what others: thought the status quo was, or what they thought of the status quo.

If you have avoided the disgust response, then that may be a good sign that you can explore some of what I have stated here, and gain something from it.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”. – Aristotle

Lawyers And The Fruits Of Knowledge

Lawyers are highly specialised professionals, and are trained in various aspects of legislative matters, which we will call apples in this metaphor. They learn lots about apples, and some also learn lots about the English common law; which we will call oranges. Lawyers and the legal profession study apples and oranges for years, and as a result, they will know vast amounts about those fruits. What they do not know, they will have the resources available to them, to be able to access the information quickly, so that they will know. You will be very unlikely as a novice student with a legal issue, to be able to succeed in an argument against a legal professional, or local authority, especially if they wish to discuss apples and oranges; which you inevitably will be, as almost all legal issues will involve apples and oranges, and not a lot else. 

So how are you going to have success with your legal issues if this is the case, is there any hope for the common man? – Yes, there is hope. If this carpenter can do it, then so can you.

It is my experience that lawyers learn lots about apples and oranges but know little about the fruit of the vine (grapes), or even the fruit bowl which holds all of the fruit in its proper place. Lawyers, local authorities and the like, are the Kings of their own domain; the domain in which apples and oranges are the currency. So if you have an issue with a local authority or legal professional, would it be wise to take them on from another domain, a domain in which you are Lord-like, and where there is another currency?

No lawyer knows all there is to know about legal matters. Most Lawyers specialise in an area of law when they graduate, be that civil, criminal, commercial, medical negligence, international law, divorce, defamation etc. No lawyer can possibly know everything about all legal aspects of the law, and many Barristers’ Chambers are made up of various barristers, who have specialised in a specific area of the law. Dependant on their client’s needs, a barrister’s chambers, will allot the relevant barrister to their client, for that specific case.

It is easy to understand then, that not even a senior barrister, let alone a solicitor, can understand all there is to know about the various aspects of the law. So where does that leave you? If these trained, clever, confident, and successful masters of the law, can not know all there is to know, where on Earth does that leave you, the novice?

If our society and the law which contains it, is to be judged fair and just, then it must be the case that any member of that society, who has a reasonable intellect, logic, and a helping of common sense, should be able to access the knowledge and information they need:

1. To address their specific legal issue and,
2. To enable them to understand how they are governed, and how the law works.

That has to make sense to everyone surely? That has to be correct; otherwise we are no more than ignorant slaves in some kind of tyranny, and that is not the case, and I am living proof.

If a system is fair and just, it can not be that only students of our top universities are capable of understanding how we are governed. It has to be the case that the everyday, normal, common person can have access to that knowledge, and justice; or at least be capable of understanding why they are in the legal situation that they find themselves in, and to be able to have the resources or ability to find a solution to get out of that situation. You should not have to spend tens of thousands of pounds, or have to go to University to get yourself out of a sticky legal situation.

I have explained that even good lawyers can not know all of the legal rules. I have explained that many specialise in a particular area of law. In my metaphor, some lawyers specialise in understanding parts of the apple, and the various apples that are available; and some specialise in oranges. Here at: The Capillary Wave, I will explain to you, how the system of law and governance actually works, and how it effects you. I will explain what your part is in that system, and how you got involved in it in the first place. I will describe the fruit bowl, which is the system of law and governance, that supports the apples and oranges (legal system), and you will discover that you do not have to eat the apples and oranges. There is also the fruit of the vine (source of all Law) available to you.

The success awaiting you is all tied up within the fruit bowl itself (the system of law and governance), and the fruit of the vine. In short, you do not have to eat of the forbidden fruit – the apples and oranges, and lose your argument against the professionals in their domain. Choose the other available fruit (the fruit of the vine), and fight them in your domain, where you are superior.

Here at: The Capillary Wave, we will explore and examine the fruit bowl together. Naturally it touches on the apples and the oranges, so we will need to understand sections of that legal world, but there is a whole new place that you may be currently unaware of, and that is where your potential success awaits.

To have success against the legal system, I did not need to know all of the case law for breach of contract, nor about the snail found in a beer bottle for tort claims: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932]. I just needed to know why it was that some person from the local authority could demand that I do something, or demand that I pay something, and if I did not, I risked being thrown in jail. That is the ultimate conclusion that awaits the common man, who refuses to follow “orders”and pay a fine: jail.

So, from 2007/08 I decided to put everything on the line and examine the fruit bowl for myself, in the real world, against real judges, with real consequences: I had little choice. The fruits of my labour are offered here for you to read, I trust it is of some help to you on your journey.

For more articles full of interesting information on Law and Governance please see the menu below.

If you gained something from my work, please consider sharing the article. If you feel like buying me a coffee, or making a donation, that would be greatly appreciated.