The Capillary Wave


Kris Brooks - Podcast 3 Notes:


Understand Law and Governance at:

Making Councils Accountable 
  • Introduction
  • The Big Picture: The System Of Governance On Earth
  • The Powers That Be
  • State Persons vs. People
  • The Local Picture: Councils And The Law
  • Arguing Against Yourself – The Insanity Of The Citizen Protester 
  • How People Became Persons Legally Speaking
  • Your Position In Governance – The Logic Of A +B = C
  • Conclusion
  • Podcast Index

Do you think society has become more or less tyrannical since 2018? Do those that control governments reverse their tyranny, or usually see it through and ramp it up? Who or what is “above” the government?

I feel that it is of vital importance that persons understand their position within society, and just why it is that “government” can rule over every aspect of your life, including such things as enforcing: locking you down in your own house, coercing medical procedures against you, forbidding you visiting family, and will likely even “force” your sons and daughters to go to fight in any upcoming war. 

Many of the LSB audience will have worries over things like the farmers situation and the food supply, 5G towers being installed in their communities, the introduction of 15 minute cities, and camps to house the illegal immigrants in your town or village, with little or or no say so at the local council planning meetings. These policies are mostly being enforced via the local councils planning policies and systems. Many are asking; is there anything that I can do about it? 

Why is nobody listening to the concerns of local residents? 

Why is your MP unable to do anything, and is passing off your letters and emails with no real solutions?

Kris and I will examine these issues today in this discussion and we will hopefully leave the audience with a better comprehension of what it is that is actually going on, and why nobody from local government will listen to the concerns of citizen residents.

A lot of this information may well be new information to the audience, but this information, and the solutions have been there in front of us our entire lives.

This discussion will be evidenced throughout, and you can explore these topics further at via the freely available articles.

The information discussed here applies right across the English speaking western world especially as most/all commonwealth countries are under the rule of the Crown

My story briefly:

I came to understand law and governance through my own planning enforcement problems with a local council who assumed that they were also my authority; they were not. Those enforcement issues led me on a journey in to the heart of the legal and court system. I learned lots about law and governance and helped others at court which culminated in assisting farmer Mr Robert Fidler who built a castle behind hay bales in Surrey. This was the highest profile planning enforcement case in the UK at the time. Robert was due at the High Court in London for a committal hearing brought by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council; and I assisted in keeping him out of prison. Here is Mr Fidler’s High court appearance:

You can learn a bit more about me and my journey here:

The Big Picture: The System Of Governance On Earth

Some of what I will explain is common sense and logical, some will be about some of the technicalities on how the law is applied to us which can be explored further via my freely available public articles

There are two sources of power on Earth that Control every aspect of our lives, like it or not; and those powers are: 

  1. Government
  2. God 


My article: The Framework For Law and Governance explains some of these fundamental principles of law and governance in more detail.

The drawing below briefly details the two areas of law:


The Powers That Be Evidenced:

We have all heard of the saying “the powers that be”. That phrase comes from the bible. 

Governments are given their “power” by God as explained in The Bible. That’s why across the UK and the commonwealth countries we have government “ministers” operating out of “ministries“. Why else would they be called so if The Bible were not true?

Other evidence that the governments gain their power from God:

The archbishop says that The Bible is “the greatest gift this world affords” to the Queen at her coronation, as can be seen via the link above. 

All Acts of Parliament are given ascent by the consent of “lords spiritual”. 

All court rooms have this French motto on display (usually above the judge): ”Dieu et Mon Droit”. It means: “God and my right”. Everyone acting for the court has to swear an oath which is a “solemn appeal to a deity“.

The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 states in the preamble that The Bible is the “the infallible truth of God’s word”. Infallible means “exempt from error in judgement, knowledge or opinion

The evidence from scripture, Parliamentary Acts, the roles of monarchs, judges, and ministers is that the powers that be gain that power from God; of that there can be no doubt, and both sides are in complete agreement.

To be clear, the powers that be, those ministers of state that control every aspect of your life all agree that The Bible is the infallible truth, and The Bible confirms that these ministers are “the powers that be”. There is no dispute, or argument of that point. Any failure to grasp this most fundamental aspect of law and governance may hamper your progression in this field of study.

State Persons vs. People

The Bible states not to be a respecter of persons:

  • Acts 10:34, KJV 1611 – Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
  • James 2:1, KJV 1611 – My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
  • Deuteronomy 10:7, KJV 1611 – For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
  • James 2:9, KJV 1611 – But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
  • Job 32:21 – 22, KJV 1611 – Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22. For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away

Judges do not respect “persons” see Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh whereby he swears an oath to be “no respecter of persons


The reason The Bible states such bad things about “persons” is because a “person” is a legal fiction which The Bible calls “graven images”. A “person” is a “graven image” because it is a dead entity, not living, a corpse, a corp-oration, not created by God but of the minds of men. A “graven image” and “legal fiction” are creations of the mind and the Bible warns against that at Exodus 20:4 Also becoming a person of the state puts man as the lord and master not God, and this is why it is forbidden in Scripture: Exodus 20:3

The hierarchy of governance:

The Summary So Far:
  1. There are two powers and law makers; government and God
  2. There are two jurisdictions which are: legal and lawful. The Legal jurisdiction being man’s governance, and the lawful jurisdiction being God’s governance 
  3. God states that we are not to be under any other governance than His, see Exodus 20:3
  4. There are two ways to exist on Earth; a) as a people of God under the lawful jurisdiction, and b) as persons of the state belonging to the state in the legal jurisdiction 
  5. Every person of state, that has jurisdiction over your life agrees That God and The Bible is not only true, but is exempt from error in judgment, knowledge and opinion. 
  6. Commoners, which are the voting electorate are third class citizens of their respective countries 


By being under man and the legal system you have failed the commandments of God and that is why the legal system is there to punish you accordingly as Kris succinctly put it in our last podcast. Here is a clip of that podcast: Podcast Clip

The Local Picture: Councils And The Law

So we have seen how the big picture of governance is set up and works on Earth, and that it involves government and God, and persons and people. Let us now examine the importance of this at local government level and evidence these two separate jurisdictions and I will explain how that relates to you.

A council is defined as “an assembly of persons for consultation deliberation or advice”, and a “body of counsellors”

Authority is defined in part as “the scriptures, command, master, leader, author, those in charge and with police powers, power to convince people”

So the local authority is made up of two sections, those being the elected counsellors, and the executive branch who are the officers that carry out the work that the counsellors were elected to oversee on behalf of the electorate that elected them to do so. This is much like how the main elected branch at Parliament operate. The elected MP’s select the executive branch, who then oversee policy implementation, and compliance of its citizens to that policy.

Knowing about these two distinct parts of a local authority is important to the people who wish to challenge and scrutinise the counsellors, as it is not much use only writing to the executive branch, as their role is purely about the services which the council provide. The counsellors are the persons who oversee the executive branch and ensure that all persons of the council abide by the law.

The law for a council is specifically their constitution. Obviously being a creation of the state the local authority also have to abide by the Acts of Parliament, but the constitution document is their “Bible”. The constitution lays out what a council can, and can not do, and who is responsible for what duties. It is an extremely important document and is readily available to members of the public upon request, and it has to be by law.

The typical layout for a local authority:

As evidenced throughout governance and your own councils constitutional document, your local council has a duty to both “people” [of God], and “persons” [of the state]. In the councils constitution people get a mention and persons of the state are referred to as “the electorate” and “residents” and sometimes just persons. 

People and persons as evidenced in a councils constitution:

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  • “Other communities and the District as a whole”
  • “communicating with the electorate and the people”
  • “being accountable to the electorate and the people”
  • Section (d) from the above photograph really evidences this point of people vs persons beautifully. 

If you are a “person” of the state you are one of the “electorate” and you will be treated as being in a “ward” of a “district” of the state governance, and the definitions of these two words Ward and District will bring in to sharp focus the problems that the general public are facing when making their arguments against the local authority:

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Arguing Against Yourself – The Insanity Of The Citizen Protester

Can you see that if you are in the position of a “commoner”, which is the statues of a third class citizen belonging to the state, and living in a ward of a district; that if you are bemoaning 5G towers, immigrant camps, or farmers taxation, you are arguing against yourself. You are a commoner at law, which is a member of the House of Commons, and have consented and agreed to all of these Acts, Statutes and mandates that are passed at that House by your representatives. Those representatives represent you, you are the government that they represent on your behalf. The MP’s are merely your  representatives. So can you see why protesting and complaining to the Executive about the laws and policies which you yourself have passed is nonsensical? Can you see why you are ignored? You even elected an Executive branch to make sure that when you protest against the laws which you have enacted that you would be thrown in jail if you get too unruly protesting against those laws which you enacted. This is why ignorance of the law is no excuse, you can not be deemed ignorant of the law, when you are a member part of the law making machinery responsible for those laws. 

For a further detailed explanation on this point, see How You Became The Government 

The Technical Part Of How The Law Operates: The Legal Fiction
How People Became Persons Legally Speaking

We have seen then that there are two law makers. We have evidenced the two tier state. The two jurisdictions that are available to us. 

So what happened, why are we treated so badly?

Representation of the People Act 1867. The people; re – presented.

You have become a “person”; a soul – dier. You became a commoner, you opted for the lowest tier available.

In the Petition Of Right [1627] it states that a person is a “soul-dier and Marriner” (which should be a big clue to Christians as to why it is bad, soul – dier relates directly to the Job 32:21-22 ).

  • Job 32:21 – 22, KJV 1611 – Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22. For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away



A Maxim is defined as a “self evident truth”. Below are some legal maxims which can be found in law dictionaries:

  • A fiction is a rule of law that assumes something which is false as true
  • Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist
  • There is no fiction without law
  • Let he who would be deceived, be deceived 
Your Position In Governance – The Logic Of A +B = C
[Exodus20:4Your Country Is A Legal Fiction:


We have evidenced that the UK is a country, which is a polity, which at law is a body politic, or legal person. It will be the same for AUSTRALIA versus Australia, CANADA versus Canada etc. It is always the title of a body politic, versus the noun of the related landmass. As discussed further in my article The Framework For Law and Governance 

  • Britain the landmass. The lump of earth and rock which the body politic titled the UNITED KINGDOM operates out of; as does TESCO and MARKS & SPENCER.
[Exodus 20:3] Your Local Authority is a Legal Fiction:

Your local council is also a body corporate as evidenced by the Local Government Act 1972:

[Job 32:21-22] [James 2:9You as a “resident” and one of the “electorate” are a “person” of the state; which is a legal fiction:


We have evidenced above and  in many articles that a “person” is also a contemplation of law, logically speaking it would have to be as a “people” can not live in a corporate body or body politic of the UK. 

Persons “live” in the UK, people can not as both are fictions of the law, as is TESCO and MARKS & SPENCER. People exist on Britain, in reality. These are very important points at law and whether you are a person belonging to the state, or a people belonging to God will greatly affect how you are treated at law. 

So the UNITED KINGDOM is a legal fiction, as is your local authority, as are the electorate/persons. Meaning at law, none of those entities exist in reality. Those entities are intangible and only exist as a contemplation of law in your mind. Legal fictions only exist in the mind. “Men” is another word for mind, which is why it makes up part of words such as men-tal, de-men-tia, men-sa, and mens rea etc. Logically then, govern-ment means to govern the mind, which is why part of the definition of the word “authority” above states “power to convince people”. Very powerful wouldn’t you agree?

We know that persons are not to be respected by the legal profession and it states the same in The Bible, so being a person is bad idea both legally speaking under man’s governance, and lawfully speaking under God’s governance. In fact persons are punished because they broke The commandments of The Bible. That is why they are treated harshly and are not to be respected. Since both sides in governance regard The Bible as the “infallible truth” this position on “persons” at law would makes sense logically.

As stated in your councils constitution, those that vote (a vote is a vow) are the “electorate “ which are persons of the state, belonging to the state. The people belong to God.

There are two very big takeaways from this discussion:

  1. Persons/residents/electorate are not to be respected at law, and have little power against a local authority; in fact a local authority of a district is a persons “lord” with the legal power to distress and take personal property. See district.
  2. If a local council wish to install a 5G tower near your house, or place an immigrant camp in your neighbourhood; just where on Earth do you think that might be, since the UK does not exist on Earth or in reality, but it exists merely as a contemplation of law, and in your mind. Could this possibly be why you need permission to “plan”? Don’t plans exist on paper? Isn’t everything that is legal existing only on paper and in your mind? God’s realm is the reality, see The Atheist Delusion


  • Romans 12:2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

To become one of the electorate you will have made an application to be enlisted on the electoral roll. Whilst “your name” is on the electoral roll there is written evidence supplied by yourself in application form of your consent to the system of governance, and your vow to a new lord to become a member of a new House in a district of the state whereby your new lord can take and distress your personal property. 


So you see there is clearly a two tier system available on Earth for the people of God, and for the persons of the state in operation. That fact of the matter is that we have not understood the system very well and we have been acting as one of the states persons, which is in the lowest tier of society: a commoner, belonging to the House of Commons. A commoner is a third class citizen of the state.

It is true that “People” do not know their true power, but also they do not know how to take it back. Taking back that power and authority starts by understanding how you gave it away. This discussion between Kris and I has explored how we gave that power away and became something that we are not: persons and in doing so broke the commandments. You can explore this further by reading the freely available articles at my website and listening to our other podcasts which can be found here:


Once we come to understand how we became ensnared, we can begin to realise how we can untangle that, and revoking and rescinding your consent for that name to be on the electoral register is the start of that process of making your way over to the lawful jurisdiction, under God; which begins to place you above your local council in the hierarchy, and makes them truly accountable

  • You can not solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that create it – Albert Einstein


Government is only the body; the Crown is the head. The body follows the head, therefore government always goes where the head wants it to go. A person needs a head and a body. Both wings are actually controlled by the same bird (the Crown). That is why the head sits above the body on the emblem below, evidencing the person of the Crown:

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Capillary Wave (def.) 

Capillary waves are the first ripples.

A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system.

A situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects.

A series of things that happen as the result of a particular action or event.