This word “person” is extremely important in matters of law and governance, and in this context it can take on a totally different meaning to what many citizens believe it to mean.
In law, and on Earth, there are two main lawmakers which are:
Governments are completely secular and therefore rule using civil law, which is another word for Roman Law, which is the legal system which governs the citizens of a country.
God’s law is written in Scripture and on the conscience. Importantly man’s government (the powers that be) sits under God’s law, is in opposition to God (you can not have two law makers, rulers, masters: Matthew 6:24: Exodus 20:3) and therefore civil law is a derivative of God’s law:
This word “person” is the pivot point of the lawful and legal jurisdiction. The legal jurisdiction is man’s law and governance under a government, and the lawful jurisdiction is God’s law and governance under Scripture.
Whether you are a “person” or not, at law, will define whom your lawmaker is, your master, it will define which side of the legal vs. lawful jurisdictional line you will fall in to. This is because man’s government only has jurisdiction over the “persons” it creates, and “persons” are not what the God of The Bible created, see:
It states many times in The Bible not to become a, or accept, man’s person.
God created “people” not “persons”. The state created “persons” not “people”. Logically speaking, we know that a state; a country does not create “people”; so what then is a “person”?.
Legally speaking this word “person” has different meanings under different Acts of Parliament and in the Law Dictionary’s.
In the Petition Of Right [1627] it states that a person is a “soul-dier and Marriner” (which should be a big clue to Christians as to why it is bad, soul dier relates directly to the Job 32:22 quote above)
The scriptures constantly warn people about becoming “persons”.
With regards to law and governance, whomever is the “Father”, makes the law, is the master.
In a country the Monarch is considered the “Father of the nation”. The American Republic has its “Founding Fathers”, and The Father of the Bible is the Father of The Lord’s Prayer; Our Father who art in heaven.
This is important because a “person” is a man made creation of the state, the state is the father. Therefore the state makes the laws and has jurisdiction over its persons; it owns them. This is why it is warned against in The Bible, because to “accept man’s person” in terms of law and governance, is to accept a new “Father”, a new lawmaker, and turn one’s back on The Father who art in heaven. The word “attorn” means, to turn away from one Lord, to give allegiance to another lord; to become a liege man. It is why there is an “attorney general” in government, to oversee those who attorned.
The lawful realm (God’s rule, jurisdiction) is “no respecter of persons” as is stated many times in The Bible as evidenced.
The legal world (man’s government and policies) is also “no respecter of persons”, as evidenced by Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh who states in his swearing in ceremony to be “no respecter of persons”. Source: Judge Kavanaugh Swearing In Ceremony.
This word is so important both biblically (lawfully), and legally (man’s government), that all of man’s government hinges upon this one word: “person”. You can only be a part of man’s civil society and governed by man’s secular civil law if you have become a “person”, and yet to become a “person” of the state is to break the first commandment:
Small “g” gods in The Bible are earthly rulers, kings, judges; “god’s”. The Bible uses word styles to differentiate between different entities using the same words, as an example: LORD, Lord and lord, all point to different beings. “LORD” being El the Almighty, “Lord” being Christ Jesus, and “lord” being an earthly lord.
Exodus 20: 2-5, KJV 1611 is all about not accepting the government of man, under the control of man, and accepting man’s graven image of that state; the person of man, see Job 32:21, KJV 1611.
A person is a new face, a new persona, of a new family under a new father, and creator. Now you can hopefully see why it is against everything that God stands for, as stated in Scripture. This explains Job 32:22 and therefore why the definition of a “person” would be a soul dier – Job 32:22, KJV 1611 – For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.
I would go so far as to state that for a Christian their very salvation relies upon understanding this one word: “person”. After all The Bible is The Book Of The Law, and it is agreed by the state that it is the “infallible truth” as stated in: The Confession Of Faith Ratification Act 1560 preamble:
Infallible means “exempt from error in judgement, knowledge or opinion”.
The fact that Parliament has the above Act on its books, is evidence in point of fact, and law, that every single UK citizen agrees and consents to the fact that The Word Of God is infallible; even those citizens that would consider themselves as “atheists”.
This word person is so important that all of the articles available here publicly at, explain how law and governance revolves and operates around this one word.
Here is a discussion I had recently about this topic: