“Property” is a legal word and steeped in law. Law and governance revolve around property; that which is proper. We know it is a legal word because it is not mentioned once in The Book of The Law: The Bible. The Bible deals with those things which are of God and lawful. Legal deals with those things of man, which are legal.
“Property” is to do with “one’s own”, which is why the closely etymologically linked word “proprietor” is also a legal term denoting “one who holds something as property, one who has the legal right or exclusive title”.
If you “hold” something “as” property, it clearly is not “your” property because if it was “your” property, it would “be” property and you would “own” it and not “hold” it for another. This is why the government can come and take “your” things that you “hold” without asking you.
“Property” is very closely related to the word “proper”, which is mentioned four times in The Bible, once in the Old Testament and thrice in the New Testament.