The Capillary Wave


Richard Vobes - Podcast Notes:


Understand Law and Governance at:

The Two Tier Society Explained And The Threat Tommy Robinson Poses To The State
  • Introduction – The Two Tier State
  • The Two Tier State – Set Up
  • The Powers That Be – Evidenced
  • Government Persons Vs. People
  • You Are No Longer A People
  • How Our Ignorance Enslaves Us
  • How It All works In Reality
  • The Duty of The State
  • Conclusion
  • Other Podcasts
Introduction – The Two Tier State

In the last seven days there’s been a huge gathering of some 200,000 people in London as citizens show their distaste for the government and its policies. 

People are trying desperately to make their voices heard and to understand what is going on in this country. 

Various commentators, politicians and activists made statements on stage and in interviews about the situation in the country and the “two tier system of policing and corrupt judiciary”, as they see it. Some of the statements made by prominent figures are:

  • “Keir Starmer has no mandate with only 9 million votes”
  • “Keir Starmer is not my prime minister”
  • “Charles is not my King”
  • “There is two tier policing & Judiciary”
  • “The judiciary are corrupt”
  • “The government work for us”
  • “There should be one standard of justice”
  • “Uk is a Christian country”
  • “Christ is King”
My story briefly:

I came to understand law and governance through my own planning problems with a local council. Those planning issues led me on a journey in to the heart of the legal and court system. I learned lots about law and governance over the years and have helped many others at court; culminating in assisting farmer Mr Robert Fidler – the guy who built a castle behind hay bales. Robert was at the High Court in London for a committal hearing brought about by Reigate Borough Council. We kept Mr Fidler out of prison. Here is Robert’s High court appearance which made the national news:

Given my years of courtroom battles against local authorities I know how important evidence is, which is why I created this podcast page to evidence what Richard and I are discussing.

If there is no evidence to back up your claims, then you do not have a case. The law would call it hearsay. 

A lot of this will be new information to Richard’s audience, even though you may be somewhat familiar with some of these concepts.. 

At this website I explain how law and governance actually works; not how we think it does. All of my articles are heavily evidenced. The articles are designed to give the reader a greater and deeper understanding of precisely how governance truly works and how the law operates against us if we are ignorant to it. My articles can be accessed from the Home Page which can be found here: 

This information applies right across the English speaking western world especially as all commonwealth countries are under Crown rule.

The Two Tier State – Set Up

Some of what I will explain is common sense and logical, some will be about some of the technicalities on how the law is applied to us as people which can be more complicated. My articles here explain these technical aspects in greater detail than Richard or I could manage in an hour.

The citizens at the recent London demonstration were complaining about unfair policing, and government policies. Two tier policing as they see it.

The state does run on a two tier system, and it is not how many imagine. This is how governance is set up in all countries across the western English speaking world.


There are two law makers on Earth:

Government Vs. God 
You can see from the above diagram that there are two camps when it comes to law and governance. The government jurisdiction have power over their  “persons” which belong to the state. On God’s side of law and governance there are His people. This is how all western countries are set up. This is evidenced by the state itself which we shall see, and as my articles will show you.
The Powers That Be Evidenced:

We have all heard of the saying “the powers that be”. That phrase comes from The Bible as seen below:

  • “The powers that be” are ordained by God. Romans 13:1

Governments are given their “power” by God as explained in The Bible, and by government actors themselves. That’s why across the UK and the commonwealth countries, we have government “ministers” operating out of “ministries“. 

Here is more supporting evidence that the governments gain their power from God:

The archbishop says that The Bible is the greatest gift this world affords at the Queen’s coronation on the link above. 

All Acts of Parliament are given ascent by the consent of “lords spiritual”. 

All court rooms have this motto in them (usually above the judge): ”Dieu et Mon Droit”. It means: “God and my right”. Everyone acting for the court has to swear an oath which is a “solemn appeal to a deity“.

The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 states in the preamble that The Bible is the “the infallible truth of God’s word”. Infallible means exempt from error in judgement, knowledge or opinion

It is self evident that governments gain their power from God and we are all therefore affected by what is written in The Bible whether we fully understand that or not.

Government Persons Vs. People

In the diagram above we see that there are state created “persons” which belong to the state. These are also known as “citizens”. People are under God. In law there is a big difference between people and persons.

The Bible tells the reader not to be a respecter of these persons:

  • Acts 10:34, KJV 1611 – Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
  • James 2:1, KJV 1611 – My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
  • Deuteronomy 10:7, KJV 1611 – For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
  • James 2:9, KJV 1611 – But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
  • Job 32:21 – 22, KJV 1611 – Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22. For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away

Judges do not respect “persons” either, see Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh whereby he swears an oath to be “no respecter of persons

You Are No Longer A People:
The Technical Part Of How The Law Operates on us: The Legal Fiction

We have seen then that there are two law makers which rule over two different beings: people and persons. We have evidenced the two tier state, and the two jurisdictions that are available to us. 

So what happened, why are we treated so badly?

The Bible warns us not to become persons, essentially because it will mean that you are then ruled over by man, and not God. 

The process of entering the legal jurisdiction under man is to “vote” which is a vow, and a vow is a pledge to a deity – which is why God does not like it. Essentially we opted for a new lord and master under man. By entering the legal jurisdiction we attorned which is a very interesting word; and that is why there is an “attorney” general in government.

This is evidenced in the below Act of Parliament whereby it shows that a “Man” has the right to vote and in doing so, then becomes a person. That is why it is the Re – presentation of People Act, and not the Re – presentation of the Persons Act. You are not a “person” – which is why you need to be re presented as one. This is a vitally important aspect of law and governance.

Representation of the People Act 1867. The people; re – presented “as” persons.

You have become a “person”; which is defined as a soul – dier. You sent your representative to The House of Commons and therefore became a commoner, you opted for the lowest tier of state available, see: How You Became The Government for further analysis.

In the Petition Of Right [1627] it states that a person is a “soul-dier and Marriner” (which should be a big clue to Christians as to why it is bad, soul – dier relates directly to the Job 32:21-22 quote from The Bible above).

At law a “person” is what is also known as a “legal fiction”. A person is not what was created by God in Genesis. A person is a creation of the state (which itself is a legal fiction).For example at law TESCO’s is a person; it can sue and be sued. TESCO however was not created by God, it is a creation of man; a legal fiction.

The UNITED KINGDOM is a polity, which is a body politic, which is a person at law. Obviously then, real people can not live in a legal fiction; so the state creates legal persons to “live” in the legal fictional UK. In simple terms the UK is like TESCOS, both are legal fictions, or persons at law.

A Maxim is defined as a “self evident truth”. Below are some legal maxims which can be found in law dictionaries which state some facts with regards to these  “legal fictions” – persons of the state.

  • A fiction is a rule of law that assumes something which is false as true
  • Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist
  • There is no fiction without law
  • Let he who would be deceived, be deceived 
How Our Ignorance Enslaves Us

The UK is a “country” which at law is a body politic, or legal person.

  • Britain the landmass the lump of earth and rock which the body politic (person) titled the UNITED KINGDOM operates out of; as do other legal fictions; persons at law such as: TESCO, and MARKS & SPENCER.

Persons “live” in the UK, people can not as both are fictions of the law, as is TESCO and MARKS & SPENCER. People exist on Britain in reality. These are very important concepts at law which are discussed at length at

LEGAL NAME. Under common law consists of

The person that you have become at law has a new legal name, under common law, which the governments own departments describe as being “separate and distinct” from an ordinary name see word index below for Legal Name:

The birth of a new legal fiction, and a new legal name:

How It All works In Reality:

The polity known as the UK is divided into districts. Source: UK Births, Marriages, Deaths

Index Word: District

Persons / citizens all “live” in districts and a ward of that district. Studying the definitions of these two words will explain everything that you need to understand about what is happening to Tommy Robinson, and what also happened to Peter Lynch, and farmer Danny Beach.

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You will I am sure notice the seriousness of that definition of the word “district”.

In summary: Once you have registered to vote you become a “person” of the “countryUNITED KINGDOM (as per The Representation of the People Act 1867) and now live in a “district” as a “ward of the state” whereby the government can withhold and distrain your personal property for legal reasons. And you are now a “commoner” which is a member of the third estate of the realm. In legal terms you are a third class citizen of a two tier state, and you chose that option, as did most of us; but you have options.

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If anyone has any doubt about the validity of those statements I would suggest you find out about what happened to elderly farmer Danny Beach and his wife, “rioter” Peter Lynch, and also now famously “Tommy Robinson”.

Below is the terrifying story of Padd farm and Danny Beach’s family:

Once you are one of the voters registered on the electoral role you are a person of the state, belonging to the state. 

The state need you to act “as” a person because you are not one. You opted to act “as” a person by registering to vote and consenting to the legal system of man’s governance, in the lowest tier of the two tier state.

That’s why Acts of Parliament are called Acts. It’s all about you acting “as” one of their persons because you are not one. God didn’t create persons in Genesis. The state creates persons which are legal fictions / graven images. The Bible warns about accepting “man’s person” at Job 32:21-22. The legal world use the term “legal fictions” to describe persons, and The Bible uses the term “graven images” to mean the same things; legal fictions, or graven images are creations of the minds of mankind. 

The second commandment states we are not to accept any graven images.

This is what it looks like in Council paperwork when they attempt to get you to appear “as” one of their persons. You have to fill out the form “as” a person; precisely because you are not one. See the below example of a councils Planning Contravention Notice (PCN):

The Duty of The State

The reason the council have left me alone is because I have studied law and governance for a very long time and I have come to understand these concepts of the law, the two separate jurisdictions of the state; the two tiers. This is why a king wears two crowns of office, and judges swear two oaths, and a constable swear an oath to protect “people” and not persons.

On the one hand the state has to rule over and show no respect to their persons in a district under a feudal system of a lord, and on the other hand they have a duty to serve the people. That is what your local councils constitution alludes too, and that is what the various oaths of office also evidence. The evidence of this is all around us.

Here is a photograph of a councils constitution whereby it evidences the two tiers of government for its persons (citizens /electorate)of their ward, and the people:

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So you see there is self evidently a two tier system in operation. The fact of the matter is that we have not understood the system very well and we have been acting as one of the states persons, which is in the lowest tier of society: a commoner.

This is what I discuss at my website. I lay the system of law and governance bare, and I fully evidenced it all in my publicly available articles. I wish there was a resource such as this when I first started learning about these concepts of the law. It would have saved me many years of study.

Sadly it is too late to help Peter Lynch or farmer Danny Beach and his family. Runnymead Council took everything from Danny, and they placed him, and his wife, in prison. The local authority then sold off his farm to developers. Danny was a tax paying citizen commoner, with an MP (member of Parliament) therefore confirming his role as a state citizen who is in the lowest tier of society. 

It may not be too late for others out there, and it is not YET too late for “Tommy Robinson”,  but whilst he is still a citizen commoner of the state, the state will do with him as they wish, and there is nothing he can do about it.

Tommy uses barristers to defend him, using a barrister confirms your satus as a citizen, as a ward of the state, ergo you can never be in the status of a people whilst you are using a barrister. Using a crown barrister to beat the crown; is like trying to vote your way out of a political problem – it is never going to happen, it is designed to keep you in that system. To hire a barrister you have to use various state issued identification, this ensures your volunteered status as a person of the state belonging to the state.

Of course you can attain a win legally as a person of the state; however when going against the state, you can only ever be left alone if you are a people, such as I have done in building my farm “illegally”, but entirely lawfully as a people. I am not concerned with what is legal or illegal, those are the concerns of “commoners” under the “common law”. I concern myself with what is lawful and appropriate under the Royal Law.

The state fear Tommy Robinson not for the reasons that most believe. They fear him because he has had some 200,000 of the states own citizens chanting “Christ is King” in Parliament square. That is a direct affront to their political legal system. Christ’s system of government is in direct opposition to the parliamentary one as evidenced here: Dear Christian countrymen

Tommy Robinson has defeated everyone that has ever come against him. He dealt a serious blow to the BBC by encouraging BBC licence fee payers to cancel their TV licence. The BBC suffered serious losses due to this and there are now talks ongoing about its future configuration as the state broadcaster. But he will need to change his legal status if he is to be successful against the Crown. There is no way to “beat” the system – it is biblical, it is perfection, so chose your Lord and master wisely.

Therefore, if Tommy was aware of his true power, if Tommy was to do to Parliament what he did to the BBC; Parliament would be in REAL TROUBLE, and that is why they will eventually kill him if he does not change his status as an unruly, citizen of the lowest tier of state; That of a commoner, in a ward of the district.

Tommy inherently knew that “walking away” from the BBC and its licence fee would cause them serious issues. If he applied that same logic to Parliament the outcome would be the same. People do not only not know their true power, they also do not know how to take it back; it is very easy, just as it was in cancelling the BBC TV licence.

I have managed to build myself a “farm” and the council do not want to take me to court. I am one of the people on Britain and not a citizen of the UK. There are not many of us left.

If you found this discussion interesting and would like to begin to improve your understanding of how the system works (often against us) I would recommend starting with this article: The Framework For Law And Governance and then read the articles in ascending numerical order.



  • You can not solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it – Albert Einstein

You can not vote your way out of a political problem. Reform voters have given Labour and Keir Starmer the mandate. Provably so. The very act of you voting and being a registered voter means that you have already consented to the system. A vote for Reform is consent to Labours policies and vice versa. 

Government is only the body; the Crown is the head. The body follows the head, therefore government always goes where the head wants it to go. Both wings are actually controlled by the same bird (the Crown).

I hope you enjoyed our conversation

Many thanks



Capillary Wave (def.) 

Capillary waves are the first ripples.

A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system.

A situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects.

A series of things that happen as the result of a particular action or event.