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The petition that has sparked this discussion between Richard and myself, is the petition to change the Military and Police oath of allegiance; the author of the petition is David Bizley and he has invited a wider public discussion about it. In principle David Bizley would like to remove the monarch from the new oath and replace the King with the “British People”, and to protect our “Christian heritage”. Richard and I will discuss the surrounding issues of this proposal, whether it has any merit, and we will look at the likely-hood of its success.
Previously Richard and I have dissected the very validity and idea of “petitions” and “petitioning” in depth in our last interview, which can be viewed here:
We also analysed what it meant for those signing a petition in terms of their legal status within governance; and it may surprise many to learn the truth.
In his petition notes online the petition author: David Bizley states:
“I put forward the suggestion that the oath for our military and our police be changed to the following…
“I do solemnly swear to protect and serve the British People, British Democracy and English Common Law and to protect the land and the borders of the British Isles against hostile forces that would seek whether by force or sedition to usurp the British Constitution or our Christian heritage.”
How does our Christian heritage affect the way in which we are governed and our laws?
What would it mean for law and governance if the King was removed from the oaths?
Why does the author of the petition seemingly wish to remove “God” from the oaths?
Does the author by implication consider himself as one of the “people”, despite being in a position to sign and launch a legal petition?
Are British citizens, and UK residents the same legally speaking as ” people”?
Is it the governments duty to “serve” the citizens?
I feel it will also be worthwhile to talk about the merits of this petition also in this discussion:
Here is a link to the current police oath that the petitioners wish to change:
Here is a link to the current military oath:
The information discussed here applies right across the English speaking western world, especially as most/all commonwealth countries are under the rule of the Crown, and King Charles. These fundamental principles on law and governance will also apply to the USA and Americans.
Before we get in to the more complicated aspects of how we are governed and how the law works [often against us]. I always feel it is best to set out the basic fundamentals regarding how a society is set up, and evidence what principles it is based upon. With the western world being known as “Christendom”, it is not too hard to imagine that The Bible plays an important role in law and governance; but just how important, and how far does that book impact on our lives, and the governments of the world?
I have written a few articles which explains in simple terms the fundamental principles of law and governance and how it operates against us. These free articles will explain some of the early building blocks that will help all citizens begin to understand how they are being governed. This is not taught at school or university but is vital information for you and your family, and will catapult your knowledge on this subject matter. Here are some of those initial articles that will help you:
The Framework For Law And Governance
How You Became Entangled In The Legal system
Once we better understand the system that governs us, we can often discern erroneous arguments from the outset. Today Richard has invited me back to his show to discuss the merits of a petition that is asking “the government” to alter the oaths of office for the military and police etc, and we will discuss the pros and cons of that, whilst explaining how the system of governance truly works upon us.
Many will be familiar with the emblem pictured below, however not many will be familiar with the French motto underneath it, or what it means. The motto: “Dieu Et Mon Droit” means God and my right. This emblem and motto hangs in every courtroom in the UNITED KINGDOM at Britain, and is usually above where a judge sits in the courtroom.
The motto itself evidences that God is involved in the state affairs, and the law. The Bible itself states at Romans 13:1 – KJV 1611 – Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Psalms 22:21, KJV 1611 – Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.”
It is because “the powers that be are ordained by God” that we have the above motto in courtrooms, and government “ministers” working out of government “ministries” across the Western English speaking world.
This is why at the Queen’s coronation ELIZABETH wears two hats of office. One is the St. Edward’s crown of God, the other is the Imperial [Roman] crown of state. The St. Edward’s crown “symbolises subservience to no one but God”
Imperial means Roman, and since the state governs by Roman Civil law, this crown symbolises the King as the head of state, over his subject citizens/ persons of state.
Becoming a “person” of the “state” goes against what is commanded in The Bibles Ten Commandments which can be read from: Exodus 20:1
Exodus 20:2 – I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Exodus 20:3 – Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:4 – Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Exodud 20:5 – Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
You can better understand why becoming a “person” is against the Ten Commandments of The Bible, by reading this explanation of the “person” from the link below:
The Bible warns against becoming a person and accepting man’s titles at many places, and here are two examples:
The legal system and its judges are also “no respecter of persons” because of what it states at Acts 10:34 above. Via the link below US supreme court Judge Brett Kavanaugh swears an oath to be “no respecter of persons”:
The legal system are “no respecter of persons” and neither is God, and it is warned about and forbidden in The Bible.
We will explore more on “people” and “persons later”.
The Queen wears her “crown of God” (The St. Edward’s Crown) at her coronation which can be seen below:
Above are some excerpts from the coronation service, it is evident who the state actors regard as the highest authority so much of the service itself is dedicated to God.
The Bible is the highest authority on the law, and is described in The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 as the infallible truth. Infallible means “exempt from error in judgement, knowledge, or opinion”. This book then clearly has importance for all of society, and not just Christians.
There is in operation a Two Tier State with two tier policing and two tier justice. This was something that Richard and I discussed and evidenced a few months back. That interview can be seen here:
The two tiers of state exist because there are two things at law that any one can be; those are 1. A people under God or 2. A person of the state. So it makes sense that there would be two separate jurisdictions to cater for those two separate beings. Those two tiers are shown below by my very hand drawn drawing:
For those that would like to explore this further I have written an article: Government vs. God
We have seen how the monarch wears two crowns of office signifying their two roles of state. One role is to serve God and His people, the other role is to rule over their persons of the state; to be “no respecter”.
Judges swear two oaths of office
I have detailed an explanation of how the UK courts operate in my article: The Magistrate’s Court And The Common Law Court
A police officer also holds the office of Constable, and the role of constable is to protect the people and property as evidenced in their oath
There is further explanation in my article: What Are The Police?
A local council has a duty towards the electorate (UK citizens) and the people as evidenced in these photographs from their own constitution below:
There can be no question that The Bible is the book of the law, and the book of truth, and is held as such by all serious state actors as we have seen. Therefore what that book states will have a profound affect upon our lives whether we realise this or not. One thing the Bible is very clear about is to be “no respecter of persons” and to “not accept man’s person”. However becoming a “person” of the state is precisely what happens when we accept the state issued legal name, legal identification, and new lord[s] and The bible is also very clear that “no man an serve two masters” – Matthew 6:24, KJV 1611
Very clearly those who can legally petition and sign petitions to the government in the first instance are “British Citizens and UK residents” as evidenced by the UK gov rules on petitioning above.
British Citizens and UK residents are subject to Parliament and the Acts and Statutes and are under the UK state jurisdiction and are now known as “persons” at law.
You leave the jurisdiction of “a people” under God when you make a new vow and elect to become a British Citizen and UK resident under a new King. By registering “your name” on the electoral roll, you elect to be governed by consent, as explained very briefly here, by Daniel ShenSmith, also known as: the Black Belt Barrister on his YouTube channel:
What has been evidenced this far is the true hierarchy of authority in the western world and it looks like this:
As you can see from the above drawing of the general hierarchy of law and governance the citizen commoner is on the lowest rung of the ladder of authority and influence.
We also have to mention the other position we can be in at law outside of being a state owned person, and that is the position of a “people” which is the most powerful position you can be in, and is recognised as such at law and by the state, the very persons which currently control you as their citizen.
On this Earth, at Law and in terms of your governance, you are either a people or a person, and by electing to become a citizen commoner of the state you also become a “person” by default, which is in the lowest tier of the state, and carries no authority. By registering the Legal Name on the electoral roll and by voting you leave that highest position at law, that of a “people”, and then you become a “commoner”, a third class citizen.
The most obvious place that this distinction between persons and people can be evidenced legally speaking outside of the Representation of The People Act 1867, Representation of The People Act 1983, is your own local councils constitution document. A constitution is a law document that binds the council and its officers.
Obviously being a creation [person] of the state, the local authority also have to abide by the Acts of Parliament, but the constitution document is their “Bible”. The constitution lays out what a council can, and can not do, and states who is responsible for what duties. It is an extremely important document and is readily available to members of the public and people upon request, and it has to be by law.
As evidenced throughout my website and in law and governance itself, your own councils constitutional document shows us that your local council has a duty to both “people” [of God], and “persons” [of the state; the electorate].
In the councils constitution people get a mention and persons of the state are referred to as “the electorate” and “residents” and sometimes just: persons.
I have shown that to be one of the electorate you will have made an application to be enlisted on the electoral register. Whilst “your name” is still on the electoral roll there is written evidence supplied by yourself in application form of your consent to the system of governance, and your vow to a new lord to become a member of a new House, in a district of the state, whereby the lord or officer can take and distress personal property, as it is under his guardianship in his ward.
There is clearly a two tier system available on Earth for the people of God, and for the persons of the state in operation. That fact of the matter is that we have not understood the system very well and we have been acting as one of the states persons, which is in the lowest tier of society: a commoner, belonging to the House of Commons. A commoner is a third class citizen of the state in the gutter of law and governance
To evidence how few actually understand the technicalities of law and governance, or even their own legal standing as a “person of the state”, this petition will serve as a reminder that no “people” can ever be in a position to sign a petition, because to be able to sign a petition you have to be either a British Citizen or a UK resident. That means that you would have to have already entered your name on to the electoral register, therefore you have already consented and agreed to the Acts of Parliament, and relegated yourself to the gutter of law and governance as a third class citizen; a commoner, and have left the position as one of the people behind
Military Oath:
“I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King Charles III, his heirs and successors, and that I will as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend his Majesty, his heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity, against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, his heirs and successors and the generals and officers set over me.”
Police Constable’s Oath:
“I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.”
Proposed New Oath
“I do solemnly swear to protect and serve the British People, British Democracy and English Common Law and to protect the land and the borders of the British Isles against hostile forces that would seek whether by force or sedition to usurp the British Constitution or our Christian heritage.”
1. The proposed oath does not specifically mention God as does the military oath, which is strange given the stated concern over our Christian heritage.
2. The proposed oath states “British people”; and I feel that is a mixing of the two jurisdiction that we have evidenced herein. People are under God in one jurisdiction, and citizens are under the state in another; both are separate and distinct. The author of the petition himself must be a British citizen, UK resident, and therefore a subject of the King to be able to legally author a petition in the first instance, as per the UK governments own rules on petitioning which we have shown here. Therefore the author of this petition is not one of the people but in fact and at law; he is a subject of King Charles.
3. The petition mentions “Christian heritage” and therefore logically speaking one would presume that includes the teachings of The Bible. By removing King Charles from the oath in this proposed petition, the petitioner has removed the “defender of the faith” who swears to uphold the “lively oracles of God”. Currently the military, police, MP’s, and judges etc all swear allegiance to the King, who himself swears to uphold God’s laws. The military, police, judiciary, and all of citizenry are by default all under the royal law (The Bible) by the very fact that their boss: King Charles is also under the royal law. That single act of removing King Charles from the proposed oath is the biggest move away from biblical teachings and law that I can think of.
4. The proposed oath has no direct line of authority from God
5. Without God or The Bible there is no Parliament, Acts of Parliament granted by the lords spiritual, Or Kings
2. What would it mean for law and governance if the King was removed from the oaths?
3. Why does the author of the petition seemingly wish to remove “God” from the oaths?
4. Does the author by implication consider himself as one of the “people”, despite being in a position to sign and launch a legal petition?
5. Are British citizens, and UK residents the same legally speaking as ” people”?
6. Is it the governments duty to “serve” the citizens?
It is true that “People” do not know their true power, but also they do not know how to take it back. Taking back that power and authority starts by understanding how you gave it away. This discussion between Richard and I has explored how we gave that power away and became something that we are not: persons and in doing so broke the commandments given in The bible. You can explore this further by reading the freely available articles at my website and listening to our other podcasts which can be found here:
Government is only the body; the Crown is the head. The body follows the head, therefore government always goes where the head wants it to go. Both wings are actually controlled by the same bird (the Crown). That is why the head sits above the body on the emblem below:
A head and a body make a person.
Capillary Wave (def.)
Capillary waves are the first ripples.
A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system.
A situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects.
A series of things that happen as the result of a particular action or event.