If you are new to this subject matter, and have read these numbered articles from the start, it is possible that you have started your own journey of awakening, and self realisation. That is not meant to sound all mysterious and mystical; it is just that, that is what happens when you begin to realise that you have been acting as, and accepting a belief that you were something, that you are not: a person. See the section in Article #5, The People Have Been Represented. Maybe your perspective has completely changed, or at least, is changing? I was an average common man, with an average common perspective. When I started to learn some of this information, my perspective completely changed. Law and governance is all about your perspective, what you perceive; it is all about your mind, and what you believe, and your convictions. Maybe you used to believe a lie, something that was not real, something that was false, a [legal] fiction? Why do you think persons get convicted of their “convictions” at court? They get convicted of what they are convinced of; their convictions, their perceptions of the world. What happens if you change your convictions, your perception, and get another; a different conviction? Can you convict me, on your perceptions, and convictions? Can I convict you on my convictions? What are you convinced of? Were you convinced of a lie; a be-lie-f?
A Citizens Perception – The Third Class Citizen – The Commoners
We see that most commoners believe that they “live in the United Kingdom (UK)”; that is their conviction. You might be realising now that, that is an impossibility, because people can not “live” in a polity, a body politic, a fiction of the law; which is what the UK is. If I know that “living in the UK”, is impossible, but a Jury consisting of: citizen commoners (the Monarch’s subjects), believe that they “live in the UK”, they are likely to find me “guilty” on various aspects of my argument, because they have a different perception of things to myself. For a different perspective and discussion on what we know – see Article #2 What Do You Know?
This is the reason why a Jury finds on the “facts”, and a Judge rules on the Law. A Judge is aware of the two jurisdictions, which is why he swears two oaths of office. See my comments on: The Judicial Oath. A Judge does not only have the citizens perspective, but also a Lawful perspective. Commoners share a common perspective, and one which is different from their rulers; perhaps that is why they remain commoners, citizens, and the subjects of a King.
The Kings subject’s; the citizen commoners, share a common perspective: the legal, secular one, and therefore have little, to no idea about the Lawful jurisdiction, or the teachings of The KJV 1611 Bible. Jurors, very clearly believe something that is not real to be true, they believe a fiction, a legal fiction. A Jury believes that they “live” in the UK, they believe the impossible.
The fact that they are on the Jury in the first instance, is the biggest clue that they have little understanding of what The Bible teaches. They were selected to be on the Jury because they are the subjects of an Earthly King, which is contrary to the teachings of The Bible, ie they have evidently already pledged their allegiance to a new god, and have then become the subject of an Earthly King, and not God – See the first commandment . Article # 5 explains in more detail that transgression. The Jury have already broken The Law!
If some Jurors understood what they have done to enable themselves to be selected for jury service, I would wager that they would not wish to be a subject, or citizen commoner, any longer. Only a citizen registered on the electoral role can be selected for jury service. Most of the general population do not understand what a country is, let alone that they are not perhaps a: person. If you do not know what you are, and where you live, is it any wonder you fail every time in a legal argument? What is the first question a Police Officer or Judge asks:
– “Is your name Mr Smith, of 42, Crown Avenue, BA30 RU5, [United Kingdom]?” –
– ‘Yes sir”. [Liar. Theif. Guilty. Thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not have any other gods before me] – It is all over at that point, you lost. The Police Oficer asks that question because he has been trained to gather certain details, to confirm you are the citizen. A judge asks you those questions to see if you fall at the first hurdle, to see what your knowledge level is. There is a legal maxim that says “a judge judges for God”, and his oath would substantiate that. Given that fact, a judge then needs to ensure he is dealing with a commoner before he dishes out the punishment. He is “not allowed” to harm one of Gods because there are warnings about such things in The Bible. Whether you understand this or not is irrelevant to a judge and the law, this is the situation, defacto. You could say that a court case is a test on your knowledge of the KJV 1611.
I have heard two different judge’s, in different situations say to a guy, “render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar’s”; and another judge in the same case, at a different hearing called him a “thief”, and this was for a planning enforcement case, not a hearing for stealing! The “Caesar” comments were the judge effectively telling the guy that he belonged to the state. given what has been stated here you should by now, hopefully be beginning to understand why a judge might call you a thief in a planning case.
I started to realise some of these arguments many years ago when I was beginning to understand some of these perspectives. The local council were insistent on my being “a person,” and using the title “Mr” against me, even before I understood much of this. I remember thinking at the time that this was strange, and it made me suspicious from the start. When I asked them to clarify what they meant exactly by calling me a person, and why they insisted on using a title against me, they could not answer, which made me even more suspicious; but at the time, I was not sure why it was so important to them.
Many of my “clients”, who also came to understand these positions on the law, were already involved in court cases. It was hard going in the early days, presenting a defence for a Jury who had no idea about what they were involved in. I soon learned that there is no point whatsoever trying to convince a Jury of my perspective (they had their own), it made more sense to reveal your case to the Judge, who understands both the secular, and Biblical perspectives on Law. Aside from the first commandment,
The Bible also often states things like this about the secular position:
Throughout all of these articles, the biblical quotes align with the legal processes, and word definitions. The Bible constantly warns the reader, and explains how to avoid the pitfalls.
Imagine then, being in the witness box for a planning enforcement case. Imagine explaining to a Jury that you have caused nobody any harm, and that the “house you built” is not in the UNITED KIGDOM. I am sure you can imagine the outcome from the public gallery, and the Jurors perspective. Guilty! (if not insane). However, the Judge is very likely to have a different perspective, from that of the Jurors; which we have read about before: like when Pontius Pilate, (a Judge) is able to “wash his hands” of the guilt, because it was the citizens of the jury who condemned Jesus, and you. This is the biblical verse where the popular legal term and maxim: “clean hands in equity,” comes from; Matthew 27:24, KJV 1611:
What I have revealed here for you, is not commonly known by the commoners, those members of the third estate of the realm: The House of Commons. These public articles are only the very basics, step one if you like, the baby steps, there is much more to understanding law and governance, and we will be continuing these discussions with Gold and Silver members of The Capillary Wave – come and join us.
Understanding this subject of law and governance in my view is essential, and I hope my articles have helped you immensely, after all, that is my sole purpose, and intention for creating them; to be a help to you, and to perhaps change your current common perspective.
This will be a brief article which will touch on various aspects of what constitutes evidence, and some of the subjects around that. I think back to my own legal planning enforcement issues in 2007/08. The local council were making certain statements to me, about what I could, and could not do on some Land, and what would happen to me if I did not do as they said. I was like a deer in the headlights at the time, although I do remember it got me starting to read legislation. The Act that was relevant to my predicament, and the Act the council themselves quoted at me was: The Town and Country Planning Act 1990. When I first started reading legislation, it was like reading a foreign language. Not much of it made sense to me. As with most things, the more you study, the better you get.
I will give you a planning enforcement “case study” in a later section here, which I hope will prompt you to think of some pointers, on how you might think about tackling your own legal issues.
To have the greatest chance of success in any legal wrangle, you will need to:
The lens with which I am talking about court, is the lens which I am most familiar with, that being citizens vs local authorities, and various other government bodies. I have also had some dealings against banks, and bailiffs, so that experience will be leaned on as well. I am sure my explanation will be a very different one than you would get from a Barrister, however, mine is from a practical, common man’s perspective. A perspective where others opinions did not matter, just results.
What is court? – in a nutshell: court is paperwork. Court is your paperwork Vs their paperwork. Of course what you say is also important, but at court, your opponents will present various letters, and supporting evidence: plans, emails, Notices, Photographs, which they will have previously sent to you in their correspondence; and usually you will present your bits of paper; letters, emails etc and the Jury will make a decision based upon the facts (for a planning enforcement case). But wait… court is also clearly about convictions too:
I have alluded to, and said in almost all of these articles, that this is all about your mind. I hope that definition of the word conviction just hammers that point home to you now.
Worldly affairs are those things that are (see Article #6 Chapter – Civil Law that which is legal) in opposition to consciousness and morality. Also see – Legality Vs Morality
Before reading these articles, was your perception one of “being convinced in opposition to conscience”, as defined above? In opposition to that which is moral; it does not say: in opposition to that which is legal / civil. Civil affairs are legal affairs of the state, civil affairs are what is: worldly, civil, secular, and secular is in opposition to God, as the definition evidences:
I mentioned in my Introduction, that a solution to all of your legal problems, would have to be available to the common man if we are not living in a tyranny. A solution is available, everyone can afford a dictionary, and almost everyone has as a mobile device that can access legislation, and The Bible. Most of my articles add further explanation to what is defined in the words themselves, and why those definitions state what they state. I also mentioned in What Do You Know that we do not know half of what we think we know. I would argue that applies to all, if not most commoner citizens. The fact that they are a commoner would itself imply, that they do not know how they are being governed, if they fully understood what a commoner was, and what civil law was, they might not wish to be: common anymore?
Court is only there as a last resort. If you are at court, it is because you either ignored correspondence from your adversary, or said “no” to something, or because you failed to reach an agreement in the private (prior to court, with your correspondence), or of course because you believe what your adversary said about you, what you are etc. Hopefully you can now see how vitally important your correspondence is. I never usually like to correspond with a potential adversary via email. Email is too informal, and too quick. Care needs to be taken over which words you choose to use, and time needs to be allowed for thought to rise, and emotions to calm. Also corresponding by letters buys you time. Sometimes, in my situation all those years ago, that time was spent researching, which paid off, you can not really do that when using email. Lastly, never write a letter, or send an email when you are angry, leave it a day or two, and spend the time researching what has actually been said.
At a crown court a Judge rules on the Law and a Jury will reach a verdict based on the facts. Is there a better way to argue at court, than by using your adversaries paperwork, rules, and laws against them? Can it be done? Absolutely, but only with a new perspective and conviction. For an overview of UK courts see – Article # 8. The court system may not be quite, what you thought it was.
Here is some typical paperwork that you might receive from a council in the UK with regards a planning enforcement scenario.
Photograph 1:
Photograph 2:
These two documents, are the type of correspondence you will get from a “local authority” in relation to a suspected “breach of planning control”. Given everything I have just stated above, it would be wise to closely examine these documents. These documents could very well be included as evidence in a court case against you. It would be wise to examine them closely before you panic and make a rushed written response, or worse; a telephone conversation, or an informal email a response.
For starters there are a lot of assumptions being made by the council in these documents. Some of those assumptions are (there are many more):
These are a few of the questions that went through my mind many years ago, when I was faced with correspondence like this. Back then I did not know anywhere near what I now know, but I knew enough to ask questions. Hopefully this has opened up some new avenues in your mind with regards to how you might go about tackling your own adversary, with your own paperwork, with your new perspective.
Sounds like it should be an easy or obvious answer, but so many laypersons confuse “opinion”, professional, or otherwise, with actual evidence, and judging by so many social media posts, a photograph with some text on it, seems to pass as evidence in the court of public opinion.
What evidence should you consider using against your adversary, and what is admissible? (more to the point, what will aid you) The Crown has a list of Civil Procedure Rules and Criminal Procedure Rules to aid you with preparing a case and what is permissible etc which can be seen here:
This will be a very general overview, with a slant to this platforms topics as the back drop, with my opinion, and comments from my own experience, about the evidence you will need, and evidence which is admissible, and helpful at court to you.
Using the “Builder dispute” example again, the evidence you might rely upon will be relevant to that situation. So the evidence you might rely upon could be: invoices, Consumer Protection Act 1987, a contract signed by both parties before work commenced, Building Regulations, Companies House information, etc. The evidence will be paperwork which substantiates your claim against the Builder, breaching the terms of his contract, or not building the house to Building Regulation standards etc. What will not be considered as [helpful] evidence would be a book written by Kevin McCloud of TV show Grand Designs, because that would be opinion. Hopefully you get the idea.
Evidence has a hierarchy and The KJV 1611 Bible is at the top. Below are two Legal Maxims which are themselves regarded as law and can be used as evidenced to support your points:
Evidence from case law (common law), and UK legislation carries a lot of weight, as will your local council’s constitution, and policy handbooks. A book someone on the internet wrote on “common law” is not really going to cut it as “evidence”.
Note: of course in some trials, expert witnesses are called to give their expert opinions in specialist circumstances.These are by and large, not relevant for the purposes of most cases, and the discussions on this platform.
Moving on to an example that is fitting for this platform. Is an Englishman’s home his castle?:
If your adversary is a local authority, and you find yourself at court for “failing to comply with an enforcement notice”, then your evidence will need to be relevant and specific to your perspective, and that particular case, which might be: The Holy Bible, the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Councils Enforcement Policy, the councils constitutional document, etc. What will not be considered as evidence at court, will be a book by the Black Belt Barrister (BBB), or something he said in one of his YouTube videos. That will be professional opinion, and no generic legal opinion will override that of the Judge, and will not be specific to the case, so it is not “evidence”. Whilst the BBB comments and professional opinion may not be used in your evidence, it may be used as a good source of research, as a guide, a pointer. It may help to form your understanding of a topic, and subject. That advice may give you some relevant information, which may lead you to find some piece of legislation that is relevant; but in and of itself, the opinions of the BBB are not to be regarded as “evidence” that you can use in “your” court case.
Essentially, the evidence you will need to form your position of defence (whatever that may be), is paperwork that will aid you to establish your points. Whatever it is that you are claiming has happened, needs to be evidenced. Whatever you are claiming the council have done, needs to be evidenced. You have to be able to substantiate your claim with material evidence (paperwork). Yes, it can be done, and once you have a new conviction it is very easy to achieve. Using [their] Crown rules, and their legislation to prove your points is one of the keys to success. Using an authority “that everyone pre agrees, and accepts as the ultimate truth – “The KJV 1611 Bible” – is the ultimate evidence for defence, especially if you have no: status and are in the correct: capacity.
The Bible is often referred to as a “two edged sword”. We should all know not to be careless with a sword, as you could cut yourself if not handled correctly. Whilst The KJV 1611 Bible is the ultimate, and highest form of evidence, if you attempt to use it from the wrong status and capacity, or with little understanding of it, a Judge will use that [s]word against you, as he should, and as directed in The Book itself. The Bible is not a tool to just pick up when it suits you, to throw away after you have used it. A Book is presented to the Monarch at his or her Coronation and told “We present You with this Book, the most valuable thing this World affords”. If this Book is The Bible, then its teachings have a huge significance in the way a country is governed. If you have read the articles here, you will see a thread of Biblical quotes running through the articles. That is because your country and its laws are founded upon what is stated in that book. You can not have a serious discussion about law and governance without mentioning The Bible, just ask most Barristers:
All of those words which Barristers have chosen as names for their Chambers, are either mentioned in The KJV 1611 Bible , or are names referencing things mentioned in The Bible. If anyone tells you that The Bible has nothing to do with law and governance – walk away from them, and definitely do not take their advice.
If you are at court in a Lawful capacity, then you will argue the Law with a Judge. That is a separate conversation than trying to convince a Jury. Often when making a Lawful argument a Judge will ask the Jury to leave the court. I have witnessed this happen. The legal position is in opposition to the Lawful one, as we have evidenced and a Judge does not always wish a Jury to hear what some defendants wish to say.
For our planning enforcement case example: you are never at court for “failure to gain planning permission”, because it is not illegal to build your family a “house”, a “shelter”; obviously nor is it unlawful. Essentially, what you will be at at court for, in a planning enforcement case is: “failure to comply with an enforcement notice”. Put another way: you as a citizen commoner, and constituent, failed to ask the local authority for permission to “develop Land”. If you are at court for a planning enforcement case, and you are not a commoner, and you are there in the correct capacity, with no status, then the argument becomes: “I did not comply with the Enforcement Notice because…”, and not “why wont you let me build a house”.
If you are at court but not as a commoner, then you had best be able to point to some paperwork, some evidence, some authority, on just why you do not need to ask permission from a local authority. As the photographs below suggests. A matter (court case / argument) can have two different aspects, and two factual sets of evidence, from two opposing parties. If a local authority brings a case against someone who says they are not a citizen, and someone who is making a Lawful argument, then Crucially, one believes themselves to be correct (local authority), and one is correct. What is more, from the outset, the Jury will also believe the party that is incorrect; the local authority, because they too are citizen subjects, and commoners and they will share the same perspective as the local authority. Perhaps it was the same perception that you had, before reading these articles?
For an explanation of the position a Judge finds him / herself in, and why they swear two oaths of office, see Article #8 Section on The Judicial Oath
The definition of Juror is “character witness, person who swears an oath”. What does The Bible say about swearing an Oath:
Here are some useful Legal Maxims which can be a source of evidence for you:
For more Maxims, see the Maxim Page .
Some quotes and thoughts from Lord Denning on law and Scripture He was a very famous, and well respected English Judge.
Lord Denning
Hopefully this article has given the you plenty to think about, and a few resources for how you might go about tackling your own legal issues.
When starting out in these articles I was keen not to make it too heavily scripture based, as I feared that may have put some commoner citizens off reading the articles. Ironically these are the very persons which I am aiming to help. However, when talking about law and governance in any serious discussion, it becomes nearly impossible not to reference or talk about the very topic whereby, all Law and Governance flows from. Attempting to discuss law and governance, and not talking about Scripture and God, is like talking about cars, and not mentioning engines, or wheels; it is going nowhere.
In this article I have covered a good few topics for you, and offered some practical tips and advice for the layperson on how you might go about beginning to make an argument. To argue, simply means “to make clear”, and that should be your target for communication. Clarify their words, and what they mean, never assume, and make clear what you mean. It may seem daunting at first, but with practice and understanding comes confidence. Start small, practice writing letters and researching relevant evidence. The hyperlinked words in each of these articles will take you to many useful resources and further your learning. In the beginning of my legal troubles, as sad as I am, I used to read a Blacks Law dictionary once a week for a few hours. Do that for a few months and you will soon build up a helpful knowledge of words. You may even start to realise, that the letters you receive from your adversary, are not saying what you assumed they were.
Do not be swayed or put off by “friends” and family from your research. You will need to be extremely single minded, and determined if you are to succeed as a “layperson litigant”. It is not for the feint hearted, and it is not for everyone. It is easier to learn if you are not under the pressure of a legal problem, but even if you are in the eye of the storm, it can focus your mind, as it did me. We have already discovered that a lot of persons do not know half as much as they believe they do. At least if you start to examine words, do your own research, and gain real tangible facts, and evidence, you will I am sure, start to begin to know things for yourself. See – What Do You Know?
We have a public Facebook group where discuss these topics. I highly encourage members to help each other, and debate each other over there. Good debate is great for sharpening up your arguments, and is to be encouraged.
If you feel that others would benefit from reading this article, please consider sharing it. If you would like to find out more about law and governance then you can start by reading my articles in ascending numerical order which will garner the best results for you.
More articles on Law and Governance can be read from the menu below.
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In good faith